Numerical investigation of the Pedrógão Grande pyrocumulonimbus using a fire to atmosphere coupled model
Couto, F. T., J.-B. Filippi, R. Baggio, C. Campos, and R. Salgado, Numerical investigation of the Pedrógão Grande pyrocumulonimbus using a fire to atmosphere coupled model, Atmos. Res., 299, 107223, 2024. Understanding the development of fire-generated thunderstorms in mega fire events is important given their high impact on the evolution of the fire fronts, where the fire ...
Pollutant-meteorological factors and cardio-respiratory mortality in Portugal: Seasonal variability and associations
Duarte, E. de S. F., Lucio, P. S., Costa, M. J., Salgueiro, V., Salgado, R., Potes, M., Hoelzemann, J. J., & Bortoli, D. (2024). Pollutant-meteorological factors and cardio-respiratory mortality in Portugal: Seasonal variability and associations. Environmental Research, 240, 117491. Seasonal variations in cardiorespiratory diseases may be influenced by air pollution and meteorological factors. This work aims ...
Mapping the Mine: Combining Portable X-ray Fluorescence, Spectroradiometry, UAV, and Sentinel-2 Images to Identify Contaminated Soils—Application to the Mostardeira Mine (Portugal)
Nogueira, P.; Silva, M.; Roseiro, J.; Potes, M.; Rodrigues, G. Mapping the Mine: Combining Portable X-ray Fluorescence, Spectroradiometry, UAV, and Sentinel-2 Images to Identify Contaminated Soils—Application to the Mostardeira Mine (Portugal). Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 5295. Abstract Old and abandoned mines are testimonials of ancient industrial activities, and as such, they are able to convey environmental concerns. A multidisciplinary ...
Fire-Pollutant-Atmosphere Components and Its Impact on Mortality in Portugal During Wildfire Seasons
de Souza Fernandes Duarte, E., Salgueiro, V., Costa, M. J., Lucio, P. S., Potes, M., Bortoli, D., & Salgado, R. (2023). Fire-pollutant-atmosphere components and its impact on mortality in Portugal during wildfire seasons. GeoHealth, 7, e2023GH000802. Abstract This study analyzed fire-pollutant-meteorological variables and their impact on cardio-respiratory mortality in Portugal during wildfire season. Data of burned ...
Seismic Sequence Analysis of the Arraiolos Zone, South Portugal, and Its Seismotectonic Implications: A Detailed Analysis of the Period 15 January–30 June 2018.
Piedade Wachilala, José Borges, Bento Caldeira and Mourad Bezzeghoud The Arraiolos Zone has been affected by the persistent superficial seismicity (focal depth < 20 km) of a weak magnitude (M < 4) and some events of a higher magnitude (M > 4), and is mainly located around the Aldeia da Serra village. On 15 January 2018, ...
Vegetation fuel characterization using machine learning approach over southern Portugal
Santos, F. L. M., Couto, F. T., Dias, S. S., Ribeiro, N. de A., & Salgado, R. (2023). Vegetation fuel characterization using machine learning approach over southern Portugal. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 32, 101017. Understanding the role of fire in the water and carbon cycles is crucial for understanding the Earth’s system. Remote sensing is ...
Contamination Fingerprints in an Inactive W (Sn) Mine: The Regoufe Mine Study Case (Northern Portugal)
Sant’Ovaia, H.; Cruz, C.; Guedes, A.; Ribeiro, H.; Santos, P.; Pereira, S.; Espinha Marques, J.; Ribeiro, M.d.A.; Mansilha, C.; Martins, H.C.B.; Valentim, B.; Torres, J.; Abreu, I.; Noronha, F.; Flores, D. Contamination Fingerprints in an Inactive W (Sn) Mine: The Regoufe Mine Study Case (Northern Portugal). Minerals 2023, 13, 497. The target of this study was the tungsten ...
Assessment of the potential for hydrokinetic energy production in the Douro river estuary under sea level rise scenarios
M. Cruz, R. Henriques, J.L. Pinho, P. Avilez-Valente, A. Bio, I. Iglesias, Assessment of the potential for hydrokinetic energy production in the Douro river estuary under sea level rise scenarios, Energy, Volume 271, 2023, 126960, ISSN 0360-5442, For being densely populated and urbanized, and for concentrating high-value economic activities, estuarine regions have an increased energy ...
Geoscientists’ views about science communication: predicting willingness to communicate geoscience
Rodrigues, J., Castro, C., Costa e Silva, E., and Pereira, D. I.: Geoscientists’ views about science communication: predicting willingness to communicate geoscience , Geosci. Commun., 6, 15–25,, 2023. The main barriers to science communication are common in different fields and they are widely identified in the literature. Studies focused on specific scientific communities framed science ...
Living and Dying on Planet Earth: an Approach to the Values of Geodiversity
Lima, N.P., Pereira, D.I. Living and Dying on Planet Earth: an Approach to the Values of Geodiversity. Geoheritage 15, 4 (2023). Little or no Earth Science literacy is expressed in ignorance about the close relationships between geodiversity, life, well-being, and death. However, given the environmental changes, the exponential population growth, and the predatory exploitation of natural resources, ...
Evaluation of the Ability of SLSTR (Sentinel-3B) and MODIS (Terra) Images to Detect Burned Areas Using Spatial-Temporal Attributes and SVM Classification
da Silva Junior, J.A.; Pacheco, A.d.P.; Ruiz-Armenteros, A.M.; Henriques, R.F.F. Evaluation of the Ability of SLSTR (Sentinel-3B) and MODIS (Terra) Images to Detect Burned Areas Using Spatial-Temporal Attributes and SVM Classification. Forests 2023, 14, 32. Forest fires are considered one of the major dangers and environmental issues across the world. In the Cerrado biome (Brazilian savannas), forest fires ...
Design and In Situ Validation of Low-Cost and Easy to Apply Anti-Biofouling Techniques for Oceanographic Continuous Monitoring with Optical Instruments
Matos, T.; Pinto, V.; Sousa, P.; Martins, M.; Fernández, E.; Henriques, R.; Gonçalves, L.M. Design and In Situ Validation of Low-Cost and Easy to Apply Anti-Biofouling Techniques for Oceanographic Continuous Monitoring with Optical Instruments. Sensors 2023, 23, 605. Biofouling is the major factor that limits long-term monitoring studies with automated optical instruments. Protection of the sensing areas, surfaces, ...
A Review on Tourism Carrying Capacity Assessment and a Proposal for Its Application on Geological Sites
Santos, P.L.A., Brilha, J. A Review on Tourism Carrying Capacity Assessment and a Proposal for Its Application on Geological Sites. Geoheritage 15, 47 (2023). Geoconservation consists of the selection and conservation of geodiversity elements that have significant heritage value. The management of geological sites is based on specific procedures to ensure public use and minimize adverse impacts. ...
How Can Geoscience Communication Foster Public Engagement with Geoconservation?
Rodrigues, J., Costa e Silva, E. & Pereira, D.I. How Can Geoscience Communication Foster Public Engagement with Geoconservation?. Geoheritage 15, 32 (2023). Geoscience and geodiversity, two sides of the same coin, deal with very poor social visibility and recognition. Ensuring the protection of geodiversity is not only in the geoscientists’ hands and all of society needs to ...
Combining δ18O isotope data and in-situ LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of magnetite as a proxy for ore genesis: Constraints on the formation of Fe deposits from Ossa-Morena Zone (SW Iberian Peninsula)
Maia, M., Barrulas, P., Nogueira, P., Mirão, J., Noronha, F., 2023. Combining δ18O isotope data and in-situ LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of magnetite as a proxy for ore genesis: Constraints on the formation of Fe deposits from Ossa-Morena Zone (SW Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 245, 107140. The Ossa-Morena Zone (OMZ, SW of the Iberian Peninsula) ...
Integrative toolbox to assess the quality of freshwater sediments contaminated with potentially toxic metals
Palma, P., A.M. Penha, M.H. Novais, S.Fialho, A. Lima, A. Catarino, C. Mourinha, P. Alvarenga, M. Iakunin, G. Rodrigues, M. Potes, M. Morais, M.J. Costa, R. Salgado, Integrative toolbox to assess the quality of freshwater sediments contaminated with potentially toxic metals, Environmental Research, Volume 217, 2023. The Guadiana Basin is a transnational basin, presenting historical ...
Geophysical data fusion of ground-penetrating radar and magnetic datasets using 2D wavelet transform and singular value decomposition
Oliveira RJ, Caldeira B, Teixidó T, Borges JF and Bezzeghoud M (2022), Geophysical data fusion of groundpenetrating radar and magnetic datasets using 2D wavelet transform and singular value decomposition. Front. Earth Sci. 10:1011999. This work addresses the problem of the lack of perceptibility that geophysical data may have. Data fusion allows us to combine datasets, providing ...

Atmospheric pollen allergen load and environmental patterns in central and southwestern Iberian Peninsula
Lara, J. Rojo, A.R. Costa, et al., Atmospheric pollen allergen load and environmental patterns in central and southwestern Iberian Peninsula, Science of the Total Environment (2022) Over one quarter of the population in industrialised countries suffers from some type of allergy and inhaled aeroallergens from pollen are the primary cause of allergic ailments. The networks for monitoring ...
Is Portugal Starting to Burn All Year Long? The Transboundary Fire in January 2022
Couto, F.T.; Santos, F.L.M.; Campos, C.; Andrade, N.; Purificação, C.; Salgado, R. Is Portugal Starting to Burn All Year Long? The Transboundary Fire in January 2022. Atmosphere 2022, 13, 1677. Changes in the large fire seasons induced by climate variability may have implications in several sectors of modern society. This communication aims to investigate possible changes ...
Metasomatic effect of Li-bearing aplite-pegmatites on psammitic and pelitic metasediments: Geochemical constraints on critical raw material exploration at the Fregeneda–Almendra Pegmatite Field (Spain and Portugal)
Errandonea-Martin, J., Garate-Olave, I., Roda-Robles, E., Cardoso-Fernandes, J., Lima, A., Ribeiro, M. d. A., & Teodoro, A. C. (2022). Metasomatic effect of Li-bearing aplite-pegmatites on psammitic and pelitic metasediments: Geochemical constraints on critical raw material exploration at the Fregeneda–Almendra Pegmatite Field (Spain and Portugal). Ore Geology Reviews, 150, 105155. doi: Fluid-assisted mass transfer and re-equilibration of mineral phases ...
Aboveground biomass mapping by integrating ICESat-2, SENTINEL-1, SENTINEL-2, ALOS2/PALSAR2, and topographic information in Mediterranean forests
Juan Guerra-Hernández, Lana L. Narine, Adrián Pascual, Eduardo Gonzalez-Ferreiro, Brigite Botequim, Lonesome Malambo, Amy Neuenschwander, Sorin C. Popescu & Sergio Godinho (2022). Aboveground biomass mapping by integrating ICESat-2, SENTINEL-1, SENTINEL-2, ALOS2/PALSAR2, and topographic The Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) provides an extraordinary opportunity to support global large-scale forest carbon mapping, but further research is needed in order ...
A Review on the Current Status of Numerical Weather Prediction in Portugal 2021: Surface–Atmosphere Interactions
Monteiro, M.J.; Couto, F.T.; Bernardino, M.; Cardoso, R.M.; Carvalho, D.; Martins, J.P.A.; Santos, J.A.; Argain, J.L.; Salgado, R. A Review on the Current Status of Numerical Weather Prediction in Portugal 2021: Surface–Atmosphere Interactions. Atmosphere 2022, 13, 1356. Earth system modelling is currently playing an increasing role in weather forecasting and understanding climate change, however, the operation, deployment and ...
Increasing the Lateral Resolution of 3D-GPR Datasets through 2D-FFT Interpolation with Application to a Case Study of the Roman Villa of Horta da Torre (Fronteira, Portugal)
Oliveira, R.J.; Caldeira, B.; Teixidó, T.; Borges, J.F.; Carneiro, A. Increasing the Lateral Resolution of 3D-GPR Datasets through 2D-FFT Interpolation with Application to a Case Study of the Roman Villa of Horta da Torre (Fronteira, Portugal). Remote Sens.2022, 14, 4069. The approach presented in this work uses an interpolation methodology to densify 3D-GPR datasets to sharpen the results ...
Modelling the Atmospheric Environment Associated with a Wind-Driven Fire Event in Portugal
Purificação, C.; Andrade, N.; Potes, M.; Salgueiro, V.; Couto, F.T.; Salgado, R. Modelling the Atmospheric Environment Associated with a Wind-Driven Fire Event in Portugal. Atmosphere 2022, 13, 1124. Increased knowledge of the meteorological conditions that lead to mega-fires is important to prevent wildfires and improve firefighting. This study analyses the atmospheric conditions that led to the largest forest fire ...
Spectral Analysis to Improve Inputs to Random Forest and Other Boosted Ensemble Tree-Based Algorithms for Detecting NYF Pegmatites in Tysfjord, Norway
Santos, D.; Cardoso-Fernandes, J.; Lima, A.; Müller, A.; Brönner, M.; Teodoro, A.C. Spectral Analysis to Improve Inputs to Random Forest and other Boosted Ensemble Tree-Based Algorithms for Detecting NYF Pegmatites in Tysfjord, Norway. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 3532. As an important source of lithium and rare earth elements (REE) and other critical elements, pegmatites are ...
Geodiversity Assessment Through the Évora–Montemor-o-Novo Region: on the Scope of Valorising the Mining Heritage of the Ossa-Morena Zone (SW Iberia, Portugal)
Maia, M., Nogueira, P., Mirão, J. et al. Geodiversity Assessment Through the Évora–Montemor-o-Novo Region: on the Scope of Valorising the Mining Heritage of the Ossa-Morena Zone (SW Iberia, Portugal). Geoheritage 14, 90 (2022). The SW of Iberia registers diverse examples of mining remnants from activities that ceased during the twentieth century, namely in the Ossa-Morena Zone. Such activities exposed outcrops that ...
A Cork Cell Wall Approach to Swelling and Boiling with ESEM Technology
Poeiras, A.P.; Vogel, C.; Günther, B.; Camilo-Alves, C.; Surový, P.; Silva, M.E.; de Almeida Ribeiro, N. A Cork Cell Wall Approach to Swelling and Boiling with ESEM Technology. Forests 2022, 13, 623. The bark of cork oak (Quercus suber L.) is mostly used for cork stopper production; when bark undergoes a series of industrial procedures, boiling ...
The Brazilian soil priorities
José A.M. Demattê, Elvio Giasson, Eduardo Guimarães Couto, Alessandro Samuel-Rosa, Selma Simões de Castro, Ricardo Simão Diniz Dalmolin, José Brilha, Rosangela Garrido Machado Botelho, Antonio Carlos Azevedo, Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino Cerri, Lúcia Helena Cunha dos Anjos, Maria de Lourdes Mendonça-Santos, Cácio Luiz Boechat, Eufran Ferreira do Amaral, João Fernandes da Silva Júnior, Afrânio Ferreira Neves ...
Environmental Education in Naturtejo UNESCO Global Geopark (Portugal): A Nature-Based Approach
Maria Manuela Catana and José Brilha Abstract: UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGGps) are excellent teaching opportunities as outdoor classrooms and incubators of sustainable development, sustainable lifestyles, appreciation of natural and cultural diversity, and promotion of peace. Naturtejo UGGp offers educational programmes addressed to the school public (formal education) since 2007, focused on geosciences education for sustainability. These programmes ...
Method for solar resource assessment using numerical weather prediction and artificial neural network models based on typical meteorological data: Application to the south of Portugal
Pereira, S., Abreu, E.F., Iakunin, M., Cavaco, A., Salgado, R. and Canhoto, P., 2022: Method for solar resource assessment using numerical weather prediction and artificial neural network models based on typical meteorological data: Application to the south of Portugal. Solar Energy, 236, 225-238, In this work a method for regional solar resource assessment based on numerical ...
A Multi-Scale Network with Percolation Model to Describe the Spreading of Forest Fires
Perestrelo, S.A.; Grácio, M.C.; Ribeiro, N.d.A.; Lopes, L.M. A Multi-Scale Network with Percolation Model to Describe the Spreading of Forest Fires. Mathematics 2022, 10, 588. Forest fires have been a major threat to forest ecosystems and its biodiversity, as well as the environment in general, particularly in the Mediterranean regions. To mitigate fire spreading, this study aims at ...
New insights on the Escoural Orogenic gold district (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia): Geochemistry, fluid inclusions and stable isotope constraints from the Monfurado gold prospect
Maia, M., Roseiro, J., Nogueira, P., Noronha, F., Fuertes.Fuente, M., Cepedal, A., Mirão, J., 2022. New insights on the Escoural Orogenic gold district (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia): Geochemistry, fluid inclusions and stable isotope constraints from the Monfurado gold prospect. Ore Geology Reviews, 104736. The Escoural gold district belongs to the Montemor-Ficalho metallogenic belt which is part of ...
Statistical validation of Aeolus L2A particle backscatter coefficient retrievals over ACTRIS/EARLINET stations on the Iberian Peninsula
Abril-Gago, J., Guerrero-Rascado, J. L., Costa, M. J., Bravo-Aranda, J. A., Sicard, M., Bermejo-Pantaleón, D., Bortoli, D., Granados-Muñoz, M. J., Rodríguez-Gómez, A., Muñoz-Porcar, C., Comerón, A., Ortiz-Amezcua, P., Salgueiro, V., Jiménez-Martín, M. M., and Alados-Arboledas, L.: Statistical validation of Aeolus L2A particle backscatter coefficient retrievals over ACTRIS/EARLINET stations on the Iberian Peninsula, Atmos. Chem. Phys., ...
Celebrating 50 years of global initiatives promoting geoconservation and geological heritage
Brilha, J. (2022). Celebrating 50 years of global initiatives promoting geoconservation and geological heritage. Parks Stewardship Forum, 38(1). The last five decades were crucial for the development of geoconservation and for the recognition that some geological features are at risk and need to be properly protected and managed. This recognition is happening at two levels. On ...
Acacia dealbata Link: Aboveground Biomass Assessment: Sustainability of Control and Eradication Actions to Reduce Rural Fires Risk
Nunes, L.J.R.; Meireles, C.I.R.; Gomes, C.J.P.; Ribeiro, N.M.C.A. Acacia dealbata Link: Aboveground Biomass Assessment: Sustainability of Control and Eradication Actions to Reduce Rural Fires Risk. Fire 2022, 5, 7. Invasive species are an environmental problem affecting worldwide ecosystems. In the case of Acacia dealbata Link., the negative impacts affect the productivity of the forests due ...
In situ LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of magnetite as a vector towards mineral exploration: A comparative case study of Fe-skarn deposits from SW Iberia (Ossa-Morena Zone)
Miguel Maia, Pedro Barrulas, Pedro Nogueira, José Mirão, Fernando Noronha, In situ LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of magnetite as a vector towards mineral exploration: A comparative case study of Fe-skarn deposits from SW Iberia (Ossa-Morena Zone), Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Volume 234, 2022, 106941, ISSN 0375-6742, The Azenhas and Alvito Fe-deposits are located at SW ...
Applying Risk Indices to Assess and Manage Soil Salinization and Sodification in Crop Fields within a Mediterranean Hydro-Agricultural Area
Tomaz, A.; Costa, M.J.; Coutinho, J.; Dôres, J.; Catarino, A.; Martins, I.; Mourinha, C.; Guerreiro, I.; Pereira, M.M.; Fabião, M.; Boteta, L.; Patanita, M.; Palma, P. Applying Risk Indices to Assess and Manage Soil Salinization and Sodification in Crop Fields within a Mediterranean Hydro-Agricultural Area. Water 2021, 13, 3070. Irrigation-induced or secondary salinization can occur when salts are ...
Petrogenetic constraints on the felsic vein magmatism in northern Portugal based on petrological and geochemical data
Oliveira, A.J.T., Martins, H.C.B., da Silva, H.M.S.M., 2021. Petrogenetic constraints on the felsic vein magmatism in northern Portugal based on petrological and geochemical data. Comptes Rendus Géoscience – Sciences de la Planète, 353 (1), pp. 377-398″. Three of the largest granite porphyries of northern Portugal were studied to improve current knowledge on the regional felsic vein hypabyssal ...
Large scale multi-layer fuel load characterization in tropical savanna using GEDI spaceborne lidar data
Leite, R. V., Silva, C.A., Broadbent, E. N., Amaral, C. H., Liesenberg, V., Almeida, D. R.A., Mohan, M., Godinho, S., Cardil, A., Hamamura, C., Faria, B.L., Brancalion, P. H.S., Hirsh, A., Marcatti, G. E., Corte, A.P. C., Zambrano, A.M.A., Costa, M. B. T., Matricardi, E. A. T., Silva, A. L., Goya, L. R. R. Y., Valbuena, R., ...
Unraveling the emplacement history of a Portuguese post-tectonic Variscan pluton using magnetic fabrics and gravimetry
Cruz, C., Sant’Ovaia, H., Raposo, M.I.B., Lourenço, J.M., Almeida, F. & Noronha, F (2021). Unraveling the emplacement history of a Portuguese post-tectonic Variscan pluton using fabrics and gravimetry. Journal of Structural Geology, 153: 104470, 1-22. The Lamas de Olo pluton is a post-tectonic Variscan pluton located in northern Portugal. It is a composite pluton comprising three outcropping biotite granites, similar in mineralogical composition but ...
Permo-Carboniferous hypabyssal magmatism in northern Portugal: the case of the Lamas de Olo microgranite and lamprophyre dykes
Oliveira, A.J.T., Martins, H.C.B., da Silva, H.M.S.M., 2021. Permo-Carboniferous hypabyssal magmatism in northern Portugal: the case of the Lamas de Olo microgranite and lamprophyre dykes. Journal of Iberian Geology. Abstract During the final stages of the Variscan orogeny, several subvolcanic dykes intruded throughout NW and SW Europe. In northern Portugal, the microgranite and lamprophyre of the Lamas ...
Cork infuenced by a specifc water regime—macro and microstructure characterization: the frst approach
Poeiras, A.P., Silva, M.E., Günther, B. et al. Cork influenced by a specific water regime—macro and microstructure characterization: the first approach. Wood Sci Technol (2021). Cork is the most valuable non-wood product of the cork oak (Quercus suber L.). However, the cork oak sector may be at risk due to climatic and economic pressures on cork oak forests, affecting both ...
Paleoenvironmental variations in a sedimentary Jurassic sequence from Lusitanian Basin (Portugal)
Gonçalves, P.A., Morgado, A., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Mendonça, J.O., Flores. D., 2021. Paleoenvironmental variations in a sedimentary Jurassic sequence from Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). International Journal of Coal Geology, 247, 103858 Gaiteiros-1 borehole, located in the central Lusitanian Basin (Portugal), drilled a continuous Jurassic (Hettangian to Kimmeridgian) sedimentary sequence. Forty-one samples were selected for this study to characterize ...

Lithium Potential Mapping Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study from Central Portugal
Köhler, M.; Hanelli, D.; Schaefer, S.; Barth, A.; Knobloch, A.; Hielscher, P.; Cardoso-Fernandes, J.; Lima, A.; Teodoro, A.C. Lithium Potential Mapping Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study from Central Portugal. Minerals 2021, 11, 1046. The growing importance and demand of lithium (Li) for industrial applications, in particular rechargeable Li-ion batteries, have led to a ...

Interpretation of the Reflectance Spectra of Lithium (Li) Minerals and Pegmatites: A Case Study for Mineralogical and Lithological Identification in the Fregeneda-Almendra Area
Cardoso-Fernandes, J.; Silva, J.; Perrotta, M.M.; Lima, A.; Teodoro, A.C.; Ribeiro, M.A.; Dias, F.; Barrès, O.; Cauzid, J.; Roda-Robles, E. Interpretation of the Reflectance Spectra of Lithium (Li) Minerals and Pegmatites: A Case Study for Mineralogical and Lithological Identification in the Fregeneda-Almendra Area. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 3688. Reflectance spectroscopy has been used to identify several deposit types. ...
Impact of a large artificial lake on regional climate: A typical meteorological year Meso-NH simulation results
Iakunin, M., Abreu, E. F. M., Canhoto, P., Pereira, S., & Salgado, R. (2021). Impact of a large artificial lake on regional climate: A typical meteorological year Meso-NH simulation results. International Journal of Climatology, 1– 22 Large artificial lakes and reservoirs affect the meteorological regime of the shore area and the local climate takes on a number of new features that were previously absent. This ...
Application of the coupled BRAMS-SFIRE Atmospheric and Fire Interactions Models to the South of Portugal
Menezes, Isilda C. et al. Aplicação dos Modelos de Interação Atmosférica e de Incêndio Florestal BRAMS-SFIRE no sul de Portugal. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia , Disponível em: <>. Epub 30 Jul 2021. ISSN 1982-4351. BRAMS-SFIRE is a new atmospheric modeling system with a fire spreading component developed at the Centro de Previsão ...
Linking geological heritage and geoethics with a particular emphasis on palaeontological heritage: the new concept of ‘palaeontoethics’
DeMiguel, D., Brilha, J., Alegret, L. et al. Linking geological heritage and geoethics with a particular emphasis on palaeontological heritage: the new concept of ‘palaeontoethics’. Geoheritage 13, 69 (2021). Geoconservation and geoethics are two emergent domains in geosciences. During the last decade, both topics have increasingly gained the attention of geoscientists and the society, but the main geoethical dilemmas related ...
Forest Fires in Madeira Island and the Fire Weather Created by Orographic Effects
Couto, F.T.; Salgado, R.; Guiomar, N. Forest Fires in Madeira Island and the Fire Weather Created by Orographic Effects. Atmosphere 2021, 12,827. Abstract Understanding the effects of weather and topography on fire spread in specific contexts, such as oceanic islands, is critical for supporting fire prevention and suppression strategies. In this study, we analyse the atmospheric ...
Energy Recovery of Shrub Species as a Path to Reduce the Risk of Occurrence of Rural Fires: A Case Study in Serra da Estrela Natural Park (Portugal)
Nunes, L.J.R.; Raposo, M.A.M.; Meireles, C.I.R.; Gomes, C.J.P.; Ribeiro, N.M.C.A. Energy Recovery of Shrub Species as a Path to Reduce the Risk of Occurrence of Rural Fires: A Case Study in Serra da Estrela Natural Park (Portugal). Fire 2021, 4, 33. The accumulation of biomass fuels resulting from the growth of heliophilous shrubs and small ...
Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Acid Mine Drainage on Surface Water, Stream Sediments, and Macrophytes Using a Battery of Chemical and Ecotoxicological Indicators
Alvarenga, P.; Guerreiro, N.; Simões, I.; Imaginário, M.J.; Palma, P. Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Acid Mine Drainage on Surface Water, Stream Sediments, and Macrophytes Using a Battery of Chemical and Ecotoxicological Indicators. Water 2021, 13, 1436. Mining activities at the Portuguese sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) have been responsible for the pollution of water, ...
Occurrence and risk assessment of pesticides in a Mediterranean Basin with strong agricultural pressure (Guadiana Basin: Southern of Portugal)
Palma, P., S. Fialho, A. Lima, A. Catarino, M.J. Costa, M.V. Barbieri, L.S. Monllor-Alcaraz, C. Postigo, M. Lopez de Alda, Occurrence and risk assessment of pesticides in a Mediterranean Basin with strong agricultural pressure (Guadiana Basin: Southern of Portugal), Science of The Total Environment, Volume 794, 2021, 148703, ISSN 0048-9697 The study aimed to assess the ...
The Impact of Rural Fires on the Development of Invasive Species: Analysis of a Case Study with Acacia dealbata Link. in Casal do Rei (Seia, Portugal)
Nunes, L.J.R.; Raposo, M.A.M.; Meireles, C.I.R.; Gomes, C.J.P.; Ribeiro, N.M.C.A. The Impact of Rural Fires on the Development of Invasive Species: Analysis of a Case Study with Acacia dealbata Link. in Casal do Rei (Seia, Portugal). Environments 2021, 8, 44. Biological invasions can affect ecosystems in different ways. Invasive forest species, such as Acacia dealbata Link., affect forests’ productivity, because they compete ...
Assessing the Accuracy of GEDI Data for Canopy Height and Aboveground Biomass Estimates in Mediterranean Forests
Dorado-Roda, I.; Pascual, A.; Godinho, S.; Silva, C.A.; Botequim, B.; Rodríguez-Gonzálvez, P.; González-Ferreiro, E.; Guerra-Hernández, J. Assessing the Accuracy of GEDI Data for Canopy Height and Aboveground Biomass Estimates in Mediterranean Forests. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 2279. Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) satellite mission is expanding the spatial bounds and temporal resolution of large-scale mapping applications. Integrating th ...
Carbon Sequestration Potential of Forest Invasive Species: A Case Study with Acacia dealbata Link
Nunes, L.J.R.; Raposo, M.A.M.; Meireles, C.I.R.; Pinto Gomes, C.J.; Almeida Ribeiro, N.M.C. Carbon Sequestration Potential of Forest Invasive Species: A Case Study with Acacia dealbata Link. Resources 2021, 10, 51. Biological invasions are of complex solution, consuming resources for their control and eradication. However, in many of the documented processes that are available, this is an attempt with no solution ...
GPR Clutter Reflection Noise-Filtering through Singular Value Decomposition in the Bidimensional Spectral Domain
Oliveira, R.J.; Caldeira, B.; Teixidó, T.; Borges, J.F. GPR Clutter Reflection Noise-Filtering through Singular Value Decomposition in the Bidimensional Spectral Domain. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 2005. Usually, in ground-penetrating radar (GPR) datasets, the user defines the limits between the useful signal and the noise through standard filtering to isolate the effective signal as much as possible. However, there ...
Guidelines for Management of Geoheritage: an Approach in the Sertão Central, Brazilian Northeastern Semiarid
Moura, P., da Glória Motta Garcia, M. & Brilha, J. Guidelines for Management of Geoheritage: an Approach in the Sertão Central, Brazilian Northeastern Semiarid. Geoheritage 13, 42 (2021). The characterisation of geoheritage and the understanding of the physical and socio-cultural features of a territory are essential to achieve the major geoconservation goals: protection and sustainable use of exceptional ...
Atmospheric boundary layer height estimation from aerosol lidar: a new approach based on morphological image processing techniques
Vivone, G., D’Amico, G., Summa, D., Lolli, S., Amodeo, A., Bortoli, D., and Pappalardo, G. The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) represents the lowermost part of the atmosphere directly in contact with the Earth’s surface. The estimation of its depth is of crucial importance in meteorology and for anthropogenic pollution studies. ABL height (ABLH) measurements are usually ...
First validation of GOME-2/MetOp absorbing aerosol height using EARLINET lidar observations
Michailidis, K., Koukouli, M.-E., Siomos, N., Balis, D., Tuinder, O., Tilstra, L. G., Mona, L., Pappalardo, G., and Bortoli, D. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential of the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) instruments, aboard the Meteorological Operational (MetOp)-A, MetOp-B and MetOp-C satellite programme platforms, to deliver accurate geometrical features of lofted ...
Lake and Land Breezes at a Mediterranean Artificial Lake: Observations in Alqueva Reservoir, Portugal
Purificação, C.; Potes, M.; Rodrigues, G.; Salgado, R.; Costa, M.J. The Alqueva reservoir, in the Southeast of Portugal, has significantly changed the landscape of the region, with impacts also on the local climate, as documented in this manuscript, namely the thermal circulation in the form of lake and land breezes. Taking advantage of three strategic meteorological ...
Solar radiation budget in the atmosphere under broken cloudy sky. An analytical model
Rosa, R. N., A. M. Silva, 2021 This study theoretically investigates the transport of broadband solar radiation in the Earth’s cloudy atmosphere (extended and broken) by considering three plane parallel layers: i) thin bottom layer adjacent to the Earth’s surface; ii) intermediate layer where clouds are most embedded; and iii) upper layer that is essentially cloud-free ...
Evaluation of the Environmental Risk of Contaminated Materials: Advice on the Most Appropriate Environmental Remediation Techniques
Pinho, C.; Fonseca, R.; Carneiro, J.; Araújo, A. Evaluation of the Environmental Risk of Contaminated Materials: Advice on the Most Appropriate Environmental Remediation Techniques. Geosciences 2021, 11, 164. This work addresses the contamination of the sediments of an alluvial plain and riverbed of a tributary of the San Francisco River, in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, by ...
Water Security and River Basin Revitalization of the São Francisco River Basin: A Symbiotic Relationship
Alves da Silva Rosa, L.; Morais, M.; Saito, C.H. Water Security and River Basin Revitalization of the São Francisco River Basin: A Symbiotic Relationship. Water 2021, 13, 907. Abstract: What is river basin revitalization’s place in relation to water security? This question is the basis of our reflection, posed to help in the understanding of ...
The Portuguese National Seismic Network—Products and Services
Carrilho, F., S. Custódio, M. Bezzeghoud, C. S. Oliveira, C. Marreiros, D. Vales, P. Alves, A. Pena, G. Madureira, M. Escuer, et al. (2021). The Portuguese National Seismic Network—Products and Services, Seismol. Res. Lett. XX, 1–30, Portugal, located in the southwest region of the Eurasian plate, has been affected by several destructive earthquakes throughout its ...
Global Spatial and Temporal Variation of the Combined Effect of Aerosol and Water Vapour on Solar Radiation
Obregón, M. Á., Serrano, A., Costa, M. J., Silva, A. M., 2021: Global Spatial and Temporal Variation of the Combined Effect of Aerosol and Water Vapour on Solar Radiation. Remote Sens. 13, 708 This study aims to calculate the combined and individual effects of the optical thickness of aerosols (AOT) and precipitable water vapour (PWV) on ...
Characterization of forest fire and Saharan desert dust aerosols over south-western Europe using a multi-wavelength Raman lidar and Sun-photometer
Salgueiro, V., M. J. Costa, J. L. Guerrero-Rascado, F. T. Couto, D. Bortoli, 2021: Characterization of forest fire and Saharan desert dust aerosols over South-western Europe using a multi-wavelength Raman lidar and Sun-photometer. Atmospheric Environment, 118346. In the morning of 21 July 2019, a dense forest fire smoke plume was detected over Évora (Portugal) in the ...
Assessing Vegetation Heritage Value: The Alentejo Central (Portugal) as a Case Study
Batista, T.; de Mascarenhas, J.; Mendes, P.; Pinto-Gomes, C. Assessing Vegetation Heritage Value: The Alentejo Central (Portugal) as a Case Study. Land 2021, 10, 307. Abstract: Vegetation natural heritage can be valued in itself, but also as a habitat for many wildlife species. This study presents a methodological essay concerning the evaluation of plant heritage, ...

Tools for Remote Exploration: A Lithium (Li) Dedicated Spectral Library of the Fregeneda–Almendra Aplite–Pegmatite Field
Cardoso-Fernandes, J.; Silva, J.; Dias, F.; Lima, A.; Teodoro, A.C.; Barrès, O.; Cauzid, J.; Perrotta, M.; Roda-Robles, E.; Ribeiro, M.A. Tools for Remote Exploration: A Lithium (Li) Dedicated Spectral Library of the Fregeneda–Almendra Aplite–Pegmatite Field. Data 2021, 6, 33. The existence of diagnostic features in the visible and infrared regions makes it possible to use reflectance ...
Higher airborne pollen concentrations correlated with increased SARS-CoV-2 infection rates, as evidenced from 31 countries across the globe
Athanasios Damialisa, Stefanie Gillesa, Mikhail Sofievd, Viktoria Sofievad, Franziska Koleka, Daniela Bayra, Maria P. Plazaa, Vivien Leier-Wirtza, Sigrid Kaschubaa, Lewis H. Ziskae, Leonard Bieloryf, László Makraj, Maria del Mar Trigok, COVID-19/POLLEN study group3, and Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann Pollen exposure weakens the immunity against certain seasonal respiratory viruses by diminishing the antiviral interferon response. Here we investigate whether ...
Water-Sediment Physicochemical Dynamics in a Large Reservoir in the Mediterranean Region under Multiple Stressors
Patrícia Palma, Alexandra Marchã Penha, Maria Helena Novais, Sofia Fialho, Ana Lima, Clarisse Mourinha, Paula Alvarenga, Anabela Rosado, Maksim Iakunin, Gonçalo Rodrigues, Miguel Potes, Maria João Costa, Manuela Morais, Rui Salgado Nowadays, the Mediterranean freshwater systems face the threat of water scarcity, along with multiple other stressors (e.g., organic and inorganic contamination, geomorphological alterations, invasive species), ...
Multi-Stage Fluid System Responsible for Ore Deposition in the Ossa-Morena Zone (Portugal): Constraints in Cu-Ore Deposits Formation
Maia, M., Moreira, N., Vicente, S. et al. The Mociços Cu-deposit is part of a cluster of ancient copper mines in the Sousel-Barrancos metallogenic belt in the Ossa-Morena Zone at the SW Iberia. The orebodies develop along NNW-SSE quartz-carbonate-sulfides veins with pyrite and chalcopyrite as the main sulfide phases, and ore emplacement has been attributed to ...
Reservoir evaporation in a Mediterranean climate: comparing direct methods in Alqueva Reservoir, Portugal
Rodrigues, C. M., Moreira, M., Guimarães, R. C., and Potes, M.: Reservoir evaporation in a Mediterranean climate: comparing direct methods in Alqueva Reservoir, Portugal, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 5973–5984. Alqueva Reservoir is one of the largest artificial lakes in Europe and is a strategic water storage for public supply, irrigation, and energy generation. The reservoir ...
Numerical study of the seasonal thermal and gas regimes of the largest artificial reservoir in western Europe using the LAKE 2.0 model
Iakunin, M., Stepanenko, V., Salgado, R., Potes, M., Penha, A., Novais, M.H. and Rodrigues, G. 2020. Numerical study of the seasonal thermal and gas regimes of the largest artificial reservoir in western Europe using the LAKE 2.0 model. Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 3475–3488. The Alqueva reservoir (southeast of Portugal) is the largest artificial lake in western ...
Risk Assessment of Irrigation-Related Soil Salinization and Sodification in Mediterranean Areas
Tomaz, A.; Palma, P.; Fialho, S.; Lima, A.; Alvarenga, P.; Potes, M.; Costa, M.J.; Salgado, R. Risk Assessment of Irrigation-Related Soil Salinization and Sodification in Mediterranean Areas. Water 2020, 12, 3569 Salinization and sodification are important processes of soil degradation affecting irrigated lands. A large proportion of the global irrigated area is affected by some degree of soil salinity ...
Land-Cover Patterns and Hydrogeomorphology of Tributaries: Are These Important Stressors for the Water Quality of Reservoirs in the Mediterranean Region?
Palma P., Fialho S., Lima A., Mourinha C., Penha A., Novais M. H., Rosado A., Morais M., Potes M., Costa M. J., Alvarenga P. 2020. Land-Cover Patterns and Hydrogeomorphology of Tributaries: Are These Important Stressors for the Water Quality of Reservoirs in the Mediterranean Region? Water. 12: 2665. Four streams in the Guadiana watershed were followed ...
Guidelines for geoconservation in protected and conserved areas
Crofts, Roger; Gordon, J. E. (John E.); Brilha, José; Gray, Murray; Gunn, John; Larwood, Jonathan; Santucci, Vincent L.; Tormey, Daniel; Worboys, Graeme L.; Groves, Craig These Guidelines are intended to help improve the conservation and management of geoheritage and geodiversity in protected and conserved areas and recognition of the interrelationships and interactions with biological features and processes. They ...
How a mesoscale cyclonic vortex over Sahara leads to a dust outbreak in South-western Iberia
Couto FT, Cardoso EHC, Costa MJ, Salgado R, Guerrero-Rascado JL, Salgueiro V (2021) The study focused on an exceptional desert dust outbreak episode, in particular on the role of atmospheric circulation transporting high amounts of dust toward Portugal in February 2017. In order to assess the atmospheric conditions behind the mineral dust layer observed in Évora ...
Guidance for the Integrated Use of Hydrological, Geochemical, and Isotopic Tools in Mining Operations
Wolkersdorfer, C., Nordstrom, D.K., Beckie, R.D. et al. This paper summarizes international state-of-the-art applications and opportunities for employing and deploying hydrological, geochemical, and isotopic tools in an integrated manner for investigations of mining operations. It is intended to aid formulation of more integrated approaches for evaluating the overall sustainability of mining projects. The focus is particularly on ...
Design of a Multipoint Cost-Effective Optical Instrument for Continuous In-Situ Monitoring of Turbidity and Sediment
Matos, T.; Faria, C.L.; Martins, M.S.; Henriques, R.; Gomes, P.A.; Goncalves, L.M. A cost-effective optical instrument for continuous in-situ monitoring applications is presented. With a production cost in raw materials of 38 €, a power consumption of 300 A in sleep mode and 100 mA in active mode (5 ms reading), and a capacity to monitor ...
A Discussion on the Quantification and Classification of Geodiversity Indices Based on GIS Methodological Tests
Gonçalves, J., Mansur, K., Santos, D. et al. Quantitative assessment methods are attaining special attention in geodiversity research. Procedures to map geodiversity indices have been proposed by several authors though there is no consensus on how to best apply and replicate them in diverse areas. A contribution to the quantitative mapping of geodiversity using GIS tools of ...
Improved ECMWF forecasts of direct normal irradiance: A tool for better operational strategies in concentrating solar power plants
Francisco M. Lopes, Ricardo Conceição, Hugo G. Silva, Rui Salgado, Manuel Collares-Pereira To contribute for improved operational strategies of concentrating solar power plants with accurate forecasts of direct normal irradiance, this work describes the use of several post-processing methods on numerical weather prediction. Focus is given to a multivariate regression model that uses measured irradiance values ...
Pressure drops, heat transfer coefficient, costs and power block design for direct storage parabolic trough power plants running molten salts
Telma Lopes, Thomas Fasquelle, Hugo G. Silva Direct circulation of molten salts in the solar field of parabolic trough solar power plants may be a possible breakthrough to decrease their levelized cost of electricity. While prototypes are being erected around the world, this study addresses the main concerns and changes that are related to the replacement ...
Numerical study of the seasonal thermal and gas regimes of the largest artificial reservoir in western Europe using the LAKE 2.0 model
Maksim Iakunin, Victor Stepanenko, Rui Salgado, Miguel Potes, Alexandra Penha, Maria Helena Novais, and Gonçalo Rodrigues The Alqueva reservoir (southeast of Portugal) is the largest artificial lake in western Europe and a strategic freshwater supply in the region. The reservoir is of scientific interest in terms of monitoring and maintaining the quality and quantity of water and ...
Semi-Automatization of Support Vector Machines to Map Lithium (Li) Bearing Pegmatites
Joana Cardoso-Fernandes, Ana C. Teodoro, Alexandre Lima, Encarnación Roda-Robles Machine learning (ML) algorithms have shown great performance in geological remote sensing applications. The study area of this work was the Fregeneda–Almendra region (Spain–Portugal) where the support vector machine (SVM) was employed. Lithium (Li)-pegmatite exploration using satellite data presents some challenges since pegmatites are, by nature, small, ...
The Esmolfe-Matança granite (Penalva do Castelo, central Portugal): A keystone to understand the ascent and emplacement of magmas under low tectonic stress
Ana Gonçalves, Helena Sant’ovaia, Maria dos Anjos Ribeiro, Fernando Noronha The Esmolfe–Matança ilmenite-type granite is analyzed using petrography, microstructures, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and microfracturing. The granite occurs in two separated bodies outcropping in distinct villages, Esmolfe and Matança, which are located in the termination of the Juzbado-Penalva do Castelo (JPCSZ) and Dúrico-Beirão (DBSZ) shear zones. ...
Geochemical Signature and Magnetic Fabric of Capinha Massif (Fundão, Central Portugal): Genesis, Emplacement and Relation with W–Sn Mineralizations
Ana Gonçalves, Helena Sant’Ovaia, Fernando Noronha The Fundão–Serra da Estrela–Capinha (FSEC) region is characterized by peraluminous to metaluminous Variscan granites intrusive in a complex and thick metasedimentary sequence. This work seeks to characterize the Capinha granite (CG), understand its spatial and genetic relationship with the host Peroviseu–Seia (PS), Belmonte–Covilhã (BC) and Fáguas granites, and evaluate its ...
Assessment of impacts on ecosystem services provided by geodiversity in highly urbanised areas: A case study of the Taubaté Basin, Brazil
Fernanda Coyado Reverte, Maria da Glória Motta Garcia, JoséBrilha, Alan Uchoa Pellejero This work presents a method to identify, to evaluate and to quantify the losses of the offer of ecosystem services provided by geodiversity, using as a case study the Taubaté Basin region, a highly urbanized portion of southeastern São Paulo State, Brazil. Our method ...
Landscapes and Landforms of the Beira Baixa Region (Sarzedas–Monfortinho, Eastern Central Mainland Portugal)
Pedro P. Cunha, António A. Martins, Alberto Gomes, David R. Bridgland The Beira Baixa is a low-relief region that is transitional between the Portuguese Central Range and the South Portugal Planation Surface. The main regional geomorphological unit is a planation surface cut on the phylites/metagreywackes of the basement, locally with granite inselbergs and quartzite ridges. Tectonic landforms are ...
Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark: A UNESCO Global Geopark
Diamantino Insua Pereira, Paulo Pereira The Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark (TCG), a UNESCO Global Geopark, is located in Northern Portugal and is established on rare and unique geological, scenic, ecological and cultural values. The most significant geological value is related to the most complete sequence of Pre-Mesozoic allochthonous geological units in NW Iberia. The Vilariça fault is ...
Geoconservation in Portugal with Emphasis on the Geomorphological Heritage
José Brilha, Paulo Pereira Geoconservation in Portugal has been gaining importance, particularly during the last decade. The inventory of geosites with international and national scientific relevance is now complete, and the national legislation concerning nature conservation includes the management of geoheritage. Forty-three per cent of the inventoried geosites are geomorphosites, showing the importance of this type of ...
The Geomorphological Landscape of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
Diamantino Insua Pereira, Paulo Pereira The Geomorphological Landscape of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro The main geomorphological features of the eastern part of the Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro region are presented, namely the Iberian Meseta, the residual ridges, the Serra de Montesinho, the tectonic landforms and the Douro River incision. The Iberian Meseta is represented by extensive plateaus shaped ...
The Granite and Glacial Landscapes of the Peneda-Gerês National Park
Paulo Pereira, Diamantino Insua Pereira The Granite and Glacial Landscapes of the Peneda-Gerês National Park Granite and glacial landforms are presented as the main geomorphological landscape features of the Peneda-Gerês National Park. The park was established in 1971 and it is the only national park and most important protected area in Portugal. The aesthetic attractiveness is supported mainly by the ...
Characterization of an Intraplate Seismogenic Zone Using Geophysical and Borehole Data: The Vila Franca de Xira Fault, Portugal
João Carvalho; Daniela Alves; João Cabral; Ranajit Ghose; José Borges; Ruben Dias; Elsa Ramalho; Bento Caldeira; João Casacão; Jaime Leote The Vila Franca de Xira (VFX) fault is a regional fault zone located about 25 km northeast of Lisbon, affecting Neogene sediments. Recent shear‐wave seismic studies show that this complex fault zone is buried beneath Holocene sediments ...
Development of a clear-sky model to determine circumsolar irradiance using widely available solar radiation data
Edgar F. M. Abreu, Paulo Canhoto, Maria João Costa Accurate assessment of the solar irradiance reaching the absorber of concentrating solar power (CSP) systems is crucial for accurate energy generation estimates as well as for power plants design and operation. Due to a larger aperture angle, direct normal irradiance (DNI) measurements taken by pyrheliometers include circumsolar ...
Assessment of Direct Normal Irradiance Forecasts Based on IFS/ECMWF Data and Observations in the South of Portugal
João Perdigão, Paulo Canhoto, Rui Salgado and Maria João Costa Assessment of Direct Normal Irradiance Forecasts Based on IFS/ECMWF Data and Observations in the South of Portugal Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) predictions obtained from the Integrated Forecasting System of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (IFS/ECMWF) were compared against ground-based observational data for one location at ...
A Discussion on the Quantification and Classification of Geodiversity Indices Based on GIS Methodological Tests
Jéssica Gonçalves, Kátia Mansur, Daniel Santos, Renato Henriques & Paulo Pereira A Discussion on the Quantification and Classification of Geodiversity Indices Based on GIS Methodological Tests Quantitative assessment methods are attaining special attention in geodiversity research. Procedures to map geodiversity indices have been proposed by several authors though there is no consensus on how to best apply and ...
Mapping occupational health risk factors in the primary sector—A novel supervised machine learning and Area-to-Point Poisson kriging approach
S.Gerassis, C.Boente, M.T.D.Albuquerque. M.M.Ribeiro, A.Abad, J.Taboada Mapping occupational health risk factors in the primary sector—A novel supervised machine learning and Area-to-Point Poisson kriging approach Workers around the world spend nearly a quarter of their time at work Occupational health is gaining great importance due to the profound impact on people long term health. The health status of ...
Study of the PGV, Strong Motion and Intensity Distribution of the February 1969 (Ms 8.0) Offshore Cape St. Vincent (Portugal) Earthquake Using Synthetic Ground Velocities
C. Pro, E. Buforn, A. Udías, J. Borges & C. S. Oliveira (2020). Study of the PGV, Strong Motion and Intensity Distribution of the February 1969 (Ms 8.0) Offshore Cape St. Vincent (Portugal) Earthquake Using Synthetic Ground Velocities. Pure and Applied Geophysics (2020) Study of the PGV, Strong Motion and Intensity Distribution of the February ...
Spatial and Temporal Variation of Aerosol and Water Vapour Effects on Solar Radiation in the Mediterranean Basin during the Last Two Decades
Maria A. Obregón, Maria João Costa, Ana Maria Silva, Antonio Serrano Spatial and Temporal Variation of Aerosol and Water Vapour Effects on Solar Radiation in the Mediterranean Basin during the Last Two Decades This study aims to calculate and analyse the spatial and temporal variation of aerosol optical thickness (AOT) and precipitable water vapour (PWV) and their ...
Lightning modelling for the research of forest fire ignition in Portugal
Flavio Tiago Couto, Maksim Iakunin, Rui Salgado, Paulo Pinto, Tânia Viegas, Jean-Pierre Pinty Lightning modelling for the research of forest fire ignition in Portugal The study aims to assess the applicability of the current Meso-NH electrical scheme (CELLS) in the investigation of forest fire ignition. Therefore, the challenge is to diagnose cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning at 1 km spatial ...
Guidance for the Integrated Use of Hydrological, Geochemical, and Isotopic Tools in Mining Operations
Christian Wolkersdorfer, Darrell Kirk Nordstrom, Roger Daniel Beckie, Daniel S. Cicerone, Trevor Elliot, Mansour Edraki, Teresa Valente, Silvia Cristina Alves França, Pramod Kumar, Ricardo Andrés Oyarzún Lucero & Albert Soler i Gil Guidance for the Integrated Use of Hydrological, Geochemical, and Isotopic Tools in Mining Operations This paper summarizes international state-of-the-art applications and opportunities for employing and ...
Methodological approach for mineralogical characterization of tailings from a Cu(Au,Ag) skarn type deposit using QEMSCAN (Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by Scanning Electron Microscopy)
K.Guanira, T.M.Valente, C.A.Ríos, O.M.Castellanos, L.Salazar, D.Lattanzi, P. Jaime Methodological approach for mineralogical characterization of tailings from a Cu(Au,Ag) skarn type deposit using QEMSCAN (Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by Scanning Electron Microscopy) Skarn type deposits are important potential resources for Cu, Au, and Ag as well as other strategic metals, which require accurate characterization of the mineralogy, texture ...
Photosynthetic pigments in acid mine drainage: Seasonal patterns and associations with stressful abiotic characteristics
Patrícia Gomes, Teresa Valente, Dulce Geraldo, Catarina Ribeiro Photosynthetic pigments in acid mine drainage: Seasonal patterns and associations with stressful abiotic characteristics Acid mine drainage represents an extreme type of water pollution. The environments develop especial hydrochemical and ecological characteristics, such as high concentrations of acidity and low biodiversity, with dominance of acidophilic organisms. Ecological criteria are assuming increasing relevance ...
Predicting ore content throughout a machine learning procedure – An Sn-W enrichment case study
C.Iglesias, I.M.H.R.Antunes, M.T.D.Albuquerque, J.Martínez, J.Taboada Predicting ore content throughout a machine learning procedure – An Sn-W enrichment case study The distribution patterns of trace elements are very useful for predicting mineral deposits occurrence. Machine learning techniques were used for the computation of adequate models in trace elements’ prediction. The main subject of this research is the definition of an adequate model ...
Inventory and Quantitative Assessment of Geosites in Rabat-Tiflet Region (North Western Morocco): Preliminary Study to Evaluate the Potential of the Area to Become a Geopark
Sakina Mehdiou, Hassan El Hadi, Abdelfatah Tahiri, José Brilha, Hind El Haibi & Mounia Tahiri Inventory and Quantitative Assessment of Geosites in Rabat-Tiflet Region (North Western Morocco): Preliminary Study to Evaluate the Potential of the Area to Become a Geopark The Rabat-Tiflet area (north-western Morocco) has a complex geological setting and a high geodiversity, two reasons that justify ...
Detecting Lithium (Li) Mineralizations from Space: Current Research and Future Perspectives
Joana Cardoso-Fernandes, Ana C. Teodoro, Alexandre Lima, Mônica Perrotta, Encarnación Roda-Robles Detecting Lithium (Li) Mineralizations from Space: Current Research and Future Perspectives Optical and thermal remote sensing data have been an important tool in geological exploration for certain deposit types. However, the present economic and technological advances demand the adaptation of the remote sensing data and image processing ...
Techno-economic evaluation of the Portuguese PV and energy storage residential applications
Ana Foles, Luís Fialho, Manuel Collares-Pereira Techno-economic evaluation of the Portuguese PV and energy storage residential applications In the residential sector, energy micro-generation and its intelligent management have been creating novel energy market models, considering new concepts of energy usage and distribution, in which the prosumer has an active role in the energy generation and its self-consumption. ...
Temporal and Spatial Variations of Secchi Depth and Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient from Sentinel-2 MSI over a Large Reservoir
Gonçalo Rodrigues, Miguel Potes, Maria João Costa, Maria Helena Novais, Alexandra Marchã Penha, Rui Salgado, Maria Manuela Morais Temporal and Spatial Variations of Secchi Depth and Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient from Sentinel-2 MSI over a Large Reservoir The Alqueva reservoir (South of Portugal) in the Guadiana river basin constitutes the most important water resource in southern Portugal ...
Benthic diatom community dynamics in Mediterranean intermittent streams: Effects of water availability and their potential as indicators of dry-phase ecological status
Maria Helena Novais, Eduardo A. Morales, Alexandra Marchã Penha, Miguel Potes, Agnès Bouchez, Amélie Barthès, Maria João Costa, Rui Salgado, Jorge Santos, Manuela Morais. Benthic diatom community dynamics in Mediterranean intermittent streams: Effects of water availability and their potential as indicators of dry-phase ecological status. The study of intermittent rivers is a critical and timely issue due to their worldwide increase, triggered by several causes ...
Prasinophyte bloom and putative fungi abundance near the Kačák event (Middle Devonian) from the Odivelas Limestone, Southwest Iberia
Gil Machado, Ladislav Slavík, Noel Moreira, Paulo Emanuel Fonseca Prasinophyte bloom and putative fungi abundance near the Kačák event (Middle Devonian) from the Odivelas Limestone, Southwest Iberia The Kačák Event is one of the several prominent Devonian climatic and biotic perturbations with a supra-regional to global extent. Its record can be traced in the litho- and biostratigraphy of uppermost Eifelian-lowermost Givetian strata ...
Assessment of Geodiversity in the Southern Part of the Central Iberian Zone (Jaén Province): Usefulness for Delimiting and Managing Natural Protected Areas
A. Fernández, T. Fernández, D. I. Pereira, L. M. Nieto, Assessment of Geodiversity in the Southern Part of the Central Iberian Zone (Jaén Province): Usefulness for Delimiting and Managing Natural Protected Areas To explore the relationship between geodiversity and borders of natural protected areas, we studied the northern part of Jaén Province (southern Spain), where the southern sector of the Central Iberian ...
Best Practices and Constraints in Geopark Management: Comparative Analysis of Two Spanish UNESCO Global Geoparks
Thais S. Canesin, José Brilha, Enrique Díaz-Martínez, Best Practices and Constraints in Geopark Management: Comparative Analysis of Two Spanish UNESCO Global Geoparks Spain is an international reference for geoparks and geoconservation polices, and it is the second country in the world with the highest number of UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGGps), after China. Additionally, Spain was one of the four countries ...
The Role of UNESCO Global Geoparks in Promoting Geosciences Education for Sustainability
Maria Manuela Catana, José B. Brilha. The Role of UNESCO Global Geoparks in Promoting Geosciences Education for Sustainability. Following the establishment in 2000 of the first geoparks, the role of UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGGps) in geoscience education for sustainability needs to be characterized and understood. This is particularly relevant because education is one of the three main pillars of UGGps. ...
Numerical study of the seasonal thermal and gas regimes of the large artificial reservoir in Western Europe using LAKE2.0 model
Iakunin, M., Stepanenko, V., Salgado, R., Potes, M., Penha, A., Novais, M. H., and Rodrigues, G. The Alqueva reservoir (southeast of Portugal) being the largest artificial lake in Western Europe and strategic freshwater supply in the region is of scientific interest in terms of monitoring and maintaining the quality and quantity of water and its impact ...
Spatial and temporal dynamics of irrigation water quality under drought conditions in a large reservoir in Southern Portugal
Tomaz, A., Palma, P., Fialho, S., Lima, A., Alvarenga, P., Potes, M., Salgado, R., 2020: Spatial and temporal dynamics of irrigation water quality under drought conditions in a large reservoir in Southern Portugal. Environ Monit Assess 192, 93. Water is a scarce resource in the Mediterranean region where adverse climatic conditions promoting water shortages tend ...
Pharmaceuticals in a Mediterranean Basin: The influence of temporal and hydrological patterns in environmental risk assessment
Palma, P., S. Fialho, A. Lima, M. H. Novais, M. J. Costa, N. Montemurro, S.Pérez, M. Lopez de Alda, 2020: Pharmaceuticals in a Mediterranean Basin: The influence of temporal and hydrological patterns in environmental risk assessment, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 709. Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment is nowadays a well-established issue that ...
Public Understanding on Geoconservation Strategies at the Passagem das Pedras Geosite, Paraíba (Brazil): Contribution to the Rio do Peixe Geopark Proposal
Wellington Francisco Sá dos Santos; Ismar de Souza Carvalho; José Brilha. The Rio do Peixe basin, which is developed during the Lower Cretaceous, consists of the Sousa, Uiraúna-Brejo das Freiras, Pombal and Vertentes sub-basins. They have abundant ichnofauna represented by dinosaur tracks of theropods, sauropods and ornithopods, these being the main objects of geological heritage in the region. The majority of palaeontological sites ...

Opinion: To advance sustainable stewardship, we must document not only biodiversity but geodiversity
Franziska Schrodt, Joseph J. Bailey, W. Daniel Kissling, Kenneth F. Rijsdijk, Arie C. Seijmonsbergen, Derk van Ree, Jan Hjort, Russell S. Lawley, Christopher N. Williams, Mark G. Anderson, Paul Beier, Pieter van Beukering, Doreen S. Boyd, José Brilha, Luis Carcavilla, Kyla M. Dahlin, Joel C. Gill, John E. Gordon, Murray Gray, Mike Grundy, Malcolm L. ...
The unprecedented 2017–2018 stratospheric smoke event: decay phase and aerosol properties observed with the EARLINET
Baars, H., Ansmann, A., Ohneiser, K., Haarig, M., Engelmann, R., Althausen, D., Hanssen, I., Gausa, M., Pietruczuk, A., Szkop, A., Stachlewska, I. S., Wang, D., Reichardt, J., Skupin, A., Mattis, I., Trickl, T., Vogelmann, H., Navas-Guzmán, F., Haefele, A., Acheson, K., Ruth, A. A., Tatarov, B., Müller, D., Hu, Q., Podvin, T., Goloub, P., Veselovskii, ...
Combined experimental and numerical determination of the asymmetry factor of scattering phase functions in porous volumetric solar receivers
Germilly Barreto, Paulo Canhoto, Manuel Collares-Pereira. Modelling of solar radiation propagation and absorption in porous media is a crucial part in the modelling of porous volumetric receivers in concentrated solar power (CSP) plants. The radiative properties of the porous media should be known in detail for accurate receiver modelling. In this work, an experimental study and ...
Variscan Magmatism
Ribeiro, M. L., Castro, A., Almeida, A., Menéndez, L. G., Jesus, A., Lains, J. A., Lopes, J. C., Martins, H. C. B., Mata, J. C., Mateus, A., Moita, P., Neiva, A. M. N., Ribeiro, M. A., Santos, J. F., Solá, A. R.. (2019) Variscan Magmatism. In: Quesada C., Oliveira J. (eds) The Geology of Iberia: ...
Emplacement mechanism of Caria-Vila da Ponte Pluton (Northern Portugal): Building and internal magmatic record
Gonçalves, A., Sant’Ovaia, H., Noronha, F., 2019. Emplacement mechanism of Caria-Vila da Ponte Pluton (Northern Portugal): Building and internal magmatic record. J Struc Geol 124, 91-111. The late to post-tectonic biotite granites from Caria–Vila da Ponte area were studied for their mineralogical, microstructural and petrophysical standpoint using anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility coupled to petrography and scanning electron ...
Predicted direct solar radiation (ECMWF) for optimized operational strategies of linear focus parabolic-trough systems
Lopes, F., R. Conceição, T. Fasquelle, H. G. Silva, R. Salgado, P. Canhoto, M. Collares-Pereira: Predicted direct solar radiation (ECMWF) for optimized operational strategies of linear focusparabolic-trough systems, Renewable Energy. Day-ahead forecasts of direct normal irradiance (DNI) from the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS), the global model of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), are ...
EARLINET evaluation of the CATS Level 2 aerosol backscatter coefficient product
Proestakis, E., Amiridis, V., Marinou, E., Binietoglou, I., Ansmann, A., Wandinger, U., Hofer, J., Yorks, J., Nowottnick, E., Makhmudov, A., Papayannis, A., Pietruczuk, A., Gialitaki, A., Apituley, A., Szkop, A., Muñoz Porcar, C., Bortoli, D., Dionisi, D., Althausen, D., Mamali, D., Balis, D., Nicolae, D., Tetoni, E., Liberti, G. L., Baars, H., Mattis, I., Stachlewska, ...
Nitzschia transtagensis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) from a spring in Southern Portugal
Morales, E.A., Carlos E. Wetzel, Maria Helena Novais, M. Manuela Morais & Luc Ector (2019): Nitzschia transtagensis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) from a spring in Southern Portugal, Botany Letters. A new species of Nitzschia Hassall is described from a small spring in southern Portugal. Nitzschia transtagensis sp. nov. has a unique morphology in the Lineares section, resembling ...
Human Losses and Damage Expected in Future Earthquakes on Faial Island–Azores
Fontiela, J., Rosset, P., Wyss, M., Bezzeghoud, M., Borges, J., Cota Rodrigues, F.”, 2019: Human Losses and Damage Expected in Future Earthquakes on Faial Island–Azores, Pure and Applied Geophysics
Solar Irradiation Data Processing using estimator MatriceS (SIMS) validated for Portugal (southern Europe). Renewable Energy
Hugo Gonçalves Silva, Edgar F.M. Abreu, Francis M. Lopes, Afonso Cavaco, Paulo Canhoto, Jorge Neto, Manuel Collares-Pereira, 2020: Solar Irradiation Data Processing using estimator MatriceS (SIMS) validated for Portugal (southern Europe). Renewable Energy, Volume 147, Part 1, Pages 515-528.
Extreme, wintertime Saharan dust intrusion in the Iberian Peninsula: Lidar monitoring and evaluation of dust forecast models during the February 2017 event
Alfonso J. Fernández, Michäel Sicard, Maria J. Costa, Juan L. Guerrero-Rascado, José L. Gómez-Amo, Francisco Molero, Rubén Barragán, Sara Basart, Daniele Bortoli, Andrés E. Bedoya-Velásquez, María P. Utrillas, Pedro Salvador, María J. Granados-Muñoz, Miguel Potes, Pablo Ortiz-Amezcua, José A. Martínez-Lozano, Begoña Artíñano, Constantino Muñoz-Porcar, Rui Salgado, Roberto Román, Francesc Rocadenbosch, Vanda Salgueiro, José A. Benavent-Oltra, ...