Couto, F. T., J.-B. Filippi, R. Baggio, C. Campos, and R. Salgado, Numerical investigation of the Pedrógão Grande pyrocumulonimbus using a fire to atmosphere coupled model, Atmos. Res., 299, 107223, 2024. Understanding the development of fire-generated thunderstorms in mega fire events is important given their high impact on the evolution of the fire fronts, where […]
Category: New Articles
Pollutant-meteorological factors and cardio-respiratory mortality in Portugal: Seasonal variability and associations
Duarte, E. de S. F., Lucio, P. S., Costa, M. J., Salgueiro, V., Salgado, R., Potes, M., Hoelzemann, J. J., & Bortoli, D. (2024). Pollutant-meteorological factors and cardio-respiratory mortality in Portugal: Seasonal variability and associations. Environmental Research, 240, 117491. Seasonal variations in cardiorespiratory diseases may be influenced by air pollution and meteorological factors. This work […]
Mapping the Mine: Combining Portable X-ray Fluorescence, Spectroradiometry, UAV, and Sentinel-2 Images to Identify Contaminated Soils—Application to the Mostardeira Mine (Portugal)
Nogueira, P.; Silva, M.; Roseiro, J.; Potes, M.; Rodrigues, G. Mapping the Mine: Combining Portable X-ray Fluorescence, Spectroradiometry, UAV, and Sentinel-2 Images to Identify Contaminated Soils—Application to the Mostardeira Mine (Portugal). Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 5295. Abstract Old and abandoned mines are testimonials of ancient industrial activities, and as such, they are able to convey environmental concerns. […]
Fire-Pollutant-Atmosphere Components and Its Impact on Mortality in Portugal During Wildfire Seasons
de Souza Fernandes Duarte, E., Salgueiro, V., Costa, M. J., Lucio, P. S., Potes, M., Bortoli, D., & Salgado, R. (2023). Fire-pollutant-atmosphere components and its impact on mortality in Portugal during wildfire seasons. GeoHealth, 7, e2023GH000802. Abstract This study analyzed fire-pollutant-meteorological variables and their impact on cardio-respiratory mortality in Portugal during wildfire season. Data […]
Seismic Sequence Analysis of the Arraiolos Zone, South Portugal, and Its Seismotectonic Implications: A Detailed Analysis of the Period 15 January–30 June 2018.
Piedade Wachilala, José Borges, Bento Caldeira and Mourad Bezzeghoud The Arraiolos Zone has been affected by the persistent superficial seismicity (focal depth < 20 km) of a weak magnitude (M < 4) and some events of a higher magnitude (M > 4), and is mainly located around the Aldeia da Serra village. On 15 January […]
Vegetation fuel characterization using machine learning approach over southern Portugal
Santos, F. L. M., Couto, F. T., Dias, S. S., Ribeiro, N. de A., & Salgado, R. (2023). Vegetation fuel characterization using machine learning approach over southern Portugal. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 32, 101017. Understanding the role of fire in the water and carbon cycles is crucial for understanding the Earth’s system. Remote […]
Contamination Fingerprints in an Inactive W (Sn) Mine: The Regoufe Mine Study Case (Northern Portugal)
Sant’Ovaia, H.; Cruz, C.; Guedes, A.; Ribeiro, H.; Santos, P.; Pereira, S.; Espinha Marques, J.; Ribeiro, M.d.A.; Mansilha, C.; Martins, H.C.B.; Valentim, B.; Torres, J.; Abreu, I.; Noronha, F.; Flores, D. Contamination Fingerprints in an Inactive W (Sn) Mine: The Regoufe Mine Study Case (Northern Portugal). Minerals 2023, 13, 497. The target of this study was the […]
Assessment of the potential for hydrokinetic energy production in the Douro river estuary under sea level rise scenarios
M. Cruz, R. Henriques, J.L. Pinho, P. Avilez-Valente, A. Bio, I. Iglesias, Assessment of the potential for hydrokinetic energy production in the Douro river estuary under sea level rise scenarios, Energy, Volume 271, 2023, 126960, ISSN 0360-5442, For being densely populated and urbanized, and for concentrating high-value economic activities, estuarine regions have an increased […]
Geoscientists’ views about science communication: predicting willingness to communicate geoscience
Rodrigues, J., Castro, C., Costa e Silva, E., and Pereira, D. I.: Geoscientists’ views about science communication: predicting willingness to communicate geoscience , Geosci. Commun., 6, 15–25,, 2023. The main barriers to science communication are common in different fields and they are widely identified in the literature. Studies focused on specific scientific communities framed […]
Living and Dying on Planet Earth: an Approach to the Values of Geodiversity
Lima, N.P., Pereira, D.I. Living and Dying on Planet Earth: an Approach to the Values of Geodiversity. Geoheritage 15, 4 (2023). Little or no Earth Science literacy is expressed in ignorance about the close relationships between geodiversity, life, well-being, and death. However, given the environmental changes, the exponential population growth, and the predatory exploitation of natural […]