ICT publica 4 livros na Springer Nature na área das geociências

Os 4 livros agora publicados pela Springer Nature, resumem novos estudos de investigação com foco em tópicos emergentes de geociências: Engenharia Geotécnica, Deteção Remota, Geofísica, Sismologia, Tectônica, Geociências do Petróleo, Ciências Ambientais da Terra, Geomorfologia, Ciência do Solo e Paleoambientes. O professor Mourad Bezzeghoud, do ICT da Universidade de Évora, contribuiu como editor na publicação destes livros.

Os livros 

1) Recent Research on Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing, Geophysics and Earthquake Seismology


Focuses mainly on geoscience studies from the Mediterranean, Africa, and surrounding areas. Provides new insights into the latest seismic hazard and risk assessment and earthquake geodesy. Offers new research studies on seismotectonics, archeoseismology, and active faulting.


2) Selected Studies in Geophysics, Tectonics and Petroleum Geosciences


Offers new research on earthquake geodesy, seismic hazard, seismotectonics, archeoseismology, and active faulting. Discusses hydrocarbon potential and other resources in the larger Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Presents the state of the art regarding the geology and structure of basement and reservoirs.


3) Recent Research on Environmental Earth Sciences, Geomorphology, Soil Science and Paleoenvironments


The book presents a series of newest research studies that are nowadays relevant to Middle East, Mediterranean region, Africa, and surrounding areas. The book gives a general overview on current research, focusing on geoenvironmental issues and challenges in environmental management in these regions. It offers a broad range of recent studies that discuss the latest advances in geography, geomorphology, landslides, and soil science, in addition to geoarchaeology and geoheritage. It also shares insights on some glaciology studies. The book also enhances the understanding of paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental changes based on research studies from the fields of marine geosciences, historical geology, and paleoceanography and paleoclimatology.


4) Recent Research on Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing, Geophysics and Earthquake Seismology


The book includes the latest research studies on seismic hazard and risk assessment, earthquake geodesy, seismotectonics, archaeoseismology and active faulting, well logging methods, geodesy and exploration/theoretical geophysics, geological engineering, geotechnical engineering and geoenvironment, geo-informatics, remote sensing and geohazards, basement architecture and potential data, and numerical and analytical methods in mining sciences and geomechanics.