Special Issue: Geoscientific Visualization in Solid Earth Geophysics

Geoscientific visualization has become a prominent aspect of research result representation and a tool that enables researchers to further their knowledge during research as well as divulge this information in a compact, easily understandable way as part of scientific communication and educational purposes. Therefore, it is relevant to consider this topic and its importance within the solid earth geophysics field.

With this Research Topic we aim to create an overview of various geoscientific visualization uses, aspects, results and similar that can be useful within the solid earth geophysics field. We aim to showcase the importance of the characteristics that need to be taken into consideration when working on the visualization such as type of the data, the display environment, human visual capacity, purpose, etc. as well as technologies used to create such end results.

The manuscripts submitted should take into consideration the below potential topics however other submissions are also encouraged: 
• Geoscientific visualization techniques within solid earth geophysics;
• Geoscientific visualization applications within solid earth geophysics;
• Potential issues with geoscientific visualization within solid earth geophysics;
• Future development of geoscientific visualization applications within solid earth geophysics;
• Regional case studies.


Topic Editors:

Mourad Bezzeghoud

Nibir Mandal


Keywords: geoscientific visualization, solid earth, scientific communication, geophysics 

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.



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