From Geo-physics exploration to Planetary-physics exploration – A jump for the second quarter of the second millennium

Seminar II – Geophysics (Doctoral degree on Earth and Space Sciences)

Day – January 14

Hour – 11:00 AM

Link – 

Title – From Geo-physics exploration to Planetary-physics exploration – A jump for the second quarter of the second millennium

Abstract- When we are told about the current knowledge of the Universe, we always use a “spectacular” point of view. One universe governed by the Relativistic physics and the Quantum physics extended by String Theory is presented to us. It is a universe formed by multi-universes folded together by a semi-unknown General Law of Gravitation, mostly full of the voids filled with dark matter… Everything becomes a lavish and fascinating universe.

We almost forgot that most of our acts are executed within the “small macroscopic world” governed by the classic laws of Newton, Maxwell and Thermodynamics. We also forgot that the extra-terrestrial investigations initiated in this second millennium use new technologies like remote sensing and tele-transporting information but still apply the principles of classical physics.

For the researchers in Earth Sciences it means to make the “jump” to a new continent “beyond the seas”. A new continent that comprises the closest aliens bodies: planets, moons, asteroids, comets….Do we call it Solar System? Where macroscopic physics will continue to be the basic methodology of our space-crafts.

Lecturer – Dra. Teresa Teixidó i Ullod

Current position – Researcher at Instituto Universitario Andaluz de Geofísica; Universidad de Granada.