Scientific Equipment at Évora




Sun-sky photometer CIMEL CE-318-2

Automatic  sun    tracking    photometer  with the main  purpose to measure sun and sky radiance  in  order  to  derive  total  column  water  vapor,  ozone  and aerosol   properties   using   a   combination   of   spectral   filters   and azimuth/zenith viewing controlled by a microprocessor.

Data Availability at Évora: since July 2003

UV-VIS Spectrometer – SPATRAM

SPectrometer for Atmospheric TRAcers Monitoring, developed within Group 1 of ICT. Measures spectral radiation in the zenith configuration of observation in the spectral band (300 – 1000 nm) with typical spectral resolution of 0.5nm. With DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) methodology it is possible to obtain vertical columns of trace gases (ozone, nitrogen dioxide, bromine monoxide).

Data Availability at Évora: since April 2004



Raman Lidar System

Provides information on the vertical structure of atmospheric constituents, such as of aerosols, clouds and of the atmospheric boundary layer. Allows for obtaining vertical profile of the extinction coefficient of aerosols at 2 wavelengths and of the backscattering coefficient of aerosols at 3 wavelengths.

Data Availability at Évora: since September 2009

Ceilometer VAISALA CL31

Provides the cloud base height and the backscattered profile with a vertical resolution of 5m between the surface and 7.5 km height. The temporal sampling can be of 2 s. It allows the simultaneous detection up to three layers of clouds.


Data Availability at Évora: since April 2006



Microwave Radiometers of the type Humidity And Temperature PROfiler (HATPRO – RPG)

Provides vertical profiles of temperature and humidity, as well as liquid water path and integrated water vapour. A coupled infrared radiometer allows for cloud base height determination and ice cloud detection.

Data Availability at Évora: since September 2014

Shadowband radiometer YES MFR-7

Field instrument that simultaneously measures global, diffuse, and direct normal components of spectral solar irradiance. The MFR-7 uses independent interference filter-photodiode combinations, mounted in a temperature-controlled enclosure, to detect spectral irradiance at six wavelengths plus a broadband micro-thermopile channel.

Data Availability at Évora: since January 2002



Hemispheric spectral Nephelometer TSI 3563

Measures in situ volumetric scattering and backscattering coefficients of aerosols in three wavelengths (450, 550,700 nm), with a minimum scattering coefficient detection level of 10 Mm-1 and with temporal sampling of 2 minutes.

Data Availability at Évora: since April 2002 (with interruptions)

Multi Angle Absorption Photometer, Thermo Scientific

Measures in situ absorption coefficient of black (Elemental) Carbon aerosols, at the wavelength of 670 nm, by combining the measurement of light scattered at certain angles and transmitted through a filter where the particles accumulate. Tthe local concentration of black carbon in the atmosphere is also determined. It has a PM-10 type sampling head.

Data Availability at Évora: since April 2007


Aerodynamic Particle Sizer Spectrometer (APS), TSI 3321

Measures the aerodynamic dimensions of aerosols in the range of 0.3 to 20 µm, with a resolution which varies between 0.02 µm at 1 µm, to 0.03 µm at10 µm.

Data Availability at Évora: since November 2004

Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM) series 1400a

Measures in situ mass concentration of aerosols (particle mass per unit air volume) with aerodynamic diameter lower than 10 μm (PM-10). The air sample passes through a filter whose oscillating frequency depends on the mass of the deposited aerosols. The sample is heated at a constant temperature of 50ºC. The sampling air flux at the PM-10 inlet is 1m3hour-1 (16.7 lmin-1).

Data Availability at Évora: since January 2006


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