Designation | Reference | Summary | Funding Agency | Period | PI / Team (at ICT) | |
Assessing the usefulness of ICESat-2 data for wildland fuel mapping |
NA | In Portugal the lack of accurate and high resolution maps representing key-fuel related variables at a national scale has been conditioning the implementation of an effective decision-making process regarding fire prevention and planning. As such, this project intends to develop and test a multi-source satellite approach for mapping fuel-related variables. In particular, the project will focus on the assessment of the main capabilities of a space-borne LiDAR system (ICESat-2) in retrieving vegetation height and vertical structure information, as it is critical for fire simulators.
Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 Mission Applied Users Program – NASA | 2021-2024 | PI/Team (at ICT):Sérgio Godinho, Maria João Costa | | Advanced wildfire modelling for risk assessment and pyroconvection understanding in Portugal |
PCIF/MPG/0175/2019 | The project aims to obtain a better representation of fuel models for Portugal, usable in NWP environment. Several advancements are expected from achieving this goal, which are the following specific goals: i) to improve the coupling between physiography and surface schemes used in NWP models and fuel models, ii) to obtain a more realistic numerical representation of wildfires from an improved surface/fuel coupled model, iii) to obtain a better understanding of pyroconvection, as well as its impact in the atmospheric dynamics (i.e., troposphere-stratosphere transport of particulate matter), as well as cloud microphysics and atmospheric chemistry, and iv) to propose a seasonal wildfire risk assessment methodology based on surface modelling forced by long range ensemble ECMWF forecast. | FCT | 2021-2024 | Rui Salgado, Flavio Couto | |
FIREPOCTEP: Fortalecimiento de los sistemas transfronterizos de prevención y extinción de incendios forestales y mejora de los recursos para la generación de empleo rural posCovid-19 |
0756_FIREPOCTEP_6_E | Os objectivos do projeto são: • Identificar as Zonas Estratégicas de Gestão para minimizar o risco e impacto dos grandes incêndios através de uma gestão integral da paisagem frente às alterações climáticas globais. • Fomentar a inversão pública e privada mediante experiências piloto no âmbito da Economia Verde Circular e a investigação de novas oportunidades de mercado. • Educar a população rural fixa e ocasional sobre o risco dos grandes incêndios florestais, as boas práticas preventivas e a auto-protecção. Capacitar e equipar o pessoal dos operativos transfronteriços. |
EU- INTERREG V A España Portugal (POCTEP) | 2020-2022 | Local PI: Rui Salgado | |
ATMO-ACCESS – Solutions for Sustainable Access to Atmospheric Research Facilities. |
Grant Agreement ID: 101008004 | EU INFRAIA-03-2020 | 2021-2025 | Local PI: Daniele Bortoli Team member: Maria João Costa |
FUEL SAT – Integration of multi-source satellite data for wildland fuel mapping: the role of remote sensing for an effective wildfire fuel management.
PCIF/GRF/0116/2019 | The overall goal of this project is to develop and test a methodological framework to integrate multi-source satellite data for improving wildfire fuel variables estimation. Specifically, this project has three main goals: i) evaluate the performance of ICESat-2 data in estimating key fuel-related variables, ii) develop a methodological approach to extrapolate the fuel-related variables for areas with no ICESat-2 footprint coverage by integrating information from multiple sources of remote sensing data (ICESat-2, Sentinel-1, PALSAR-2, and Sentinel-2); and iii) assess the added value of the synergistic use of LiDAR (ICESat-2), SAR (Sentinel-1 and PALSAR), and optical (Sentinel-2) data to generate spatially continuous information about fuel-related structure variables and how this can better support fire managers. | FCT | 2021-2023 | PI/Team (at ICT):Sérgio Godinho, Maria João Costa | |
ACTRIS-IMP – Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure – IMplementation Project |
Grant agreement ID: 871115 | ACTRIS is a pan-European research infrastructure producing high-quality data and information on short-lived atmospheric constituents and on the processes leading to the variability of these constituents in natural and controlled atmospheres. Different atmospheric processes are increasingly in the focus of many societal and environmental challenges, such as air quality, health, sustainability and climate change. ACTRIS brings essential information for understanding atmospheric processes merging data from different observational network such as EARLINET for atmospheric aerosol monitoring. The ACTRIS IMP project will take ACTRIS into a new level of maturity and will set the needed structures for the implementation actions, both at the national and European level. ACTRIS IMP builds on three main pillars: securing the long-term sustainability, implementing of ACTRIS functionalities, and positioning ACTRIS in the national, European and international science and innovation landscape. ACTRIS IMP will enable ACTRIS to respond to the users’ needs and requirements. | H2020-EU. | 2020-2023 | Daniele Bortoli | |
PROBE – PROfiling the atmospheric Boundary layer at European scale | COST action: CA18235 | This Action aims at: Capacity building of instrument operators to improve the use of state-of-the-art Atmospheric Boundary Layer profiling instruments; Fostering coordination between operational agencies and academia to tailor measurement networks for well identified applications; Enhancing pan-European research coordination to develop new products and tools for data assimilation and long time series reanalysis; Identifying knowledge brokers enabling rapid exchange between academia, operational agencies, industry and end-users to ensure full exploitation for societal benefit. | EU – COST | 2019-2023 | Daniele Bortoli
Maria João Costa |
ADOPT– New approaches in detection of pathogens and aeroallergens | COST action: CA18226 | This COST action will establish an interdisciplinary network of experts currently involved in the detection of bioaerosols using both existing methods as well as upcoming technologies such as real or near real-time technologies from atmospheric chemistry and physics or eDNA methods used in molecular biology | EU – COST | 2019-2023 | Célia Antunes
Helena Ribeiro Ana Costa |
CILIFO – Centro Ibérico para la Investigación y Lucha contra Incendios Forestales |
0753_CILIFO_5_E | The project aims at: reinforcing and combining cooperation, work procedures and training between devices for the Prevention and Extinction of Forest Fires in the cooperation area of the Euroregion Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia. Promoting the creation of durable and quality employment in the area; reducing the economic cost of fires creating rural economy linked to the landscape. Improving the capacity of response to forest fires of administrations and authorities involved in the fight against them in the three participating regions.
EU- INTERREG V A España Portugal (POCTEP) | 2019-2022 | Local PI: Rui Salgado | |
TOMAQAPA: Multispectral Observation Techniques for Air Pollution and Water Quality Assessment |
PTDC/CTA-MET/29678/2017 | The projects aims are twofold: the setup of an Air Quality measurement station (AQS) with remote sensing equipment developed at the University of Évora; the development, setup and deployment of a new underwater spectrometric system for the assessment of concentrations of dissolved gases with marked absorption features in the UV-Vis-NIR spectral range in lakes, river and sea environments.
FCT | 2018-2022 | PI: Daniele Bortoli | |
LEADING – Land usE chAnges anD mItigation of global warmiNG |
PTDC/CTA-MET/28914/2017 | Climate change is one of the most important challenges facing humanity in the 21st century. The objective of the project is to establish robust biophysical impacts of land use changes (LUC) on climate across Europe, from regional to local spatial scales and time scales from a few days to multi-decadal. A Regional Climate Model with coupled biosphere and hydrosphere will be used as an ensemble member of the coordinated Flagship Pilot Study “LUCAS” (Land Use & Climate Across Scales) for Europe. The analysis will focus on land/atmosphere interactions and extreme events (e.g. droughts, heatwaves, floods). Experiments shall be conducted from continental down to resolutions below 5 km. The results will allow the proposal to characterise impact of LUC in the present and future climate, from regional to local scales, and to draw mitigation strategies based on LU policies. A pilot region in the south of Portugal is chosen to investigate the local impacts of land use changes.
EU – Portugal 2020 / Alentejo 2020 – FEDER | 2019-2022 | Team members:
Rui Salgado Miguel Potes |
AdaptAlentejo – Predicting ecosystem-level responses to climate change |
POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030793 | Freshwater ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Unravelling the links between food web structure and GHG emissions is critical to be able to predict how aquatic ecosystems may potentially be enhancing greenhouse gas emissions, leading to further global warming. AdaptAlentejo will address this challenge by combining multiple disciplines (physiology, biogeochemistry and geophysics) to answer simple, though complicated to questions: (1) can aquatic species adapt to increased temperatures? Does temperature change how they interact with each other? Do those changes have impacts at ecosystem-level. AdaptAlentejo brings together an international interdisciplinary and partners with EDIA to provide support for conservation and adaptation strategies when facing future environmental changes.
EU – Portugal 2020 – FEDER | 2019-2022 | Team members:
Rui Salgado Miguel Potes |
AquaQ2 -Demonstrador de sistema de aquisição, tratamento e interpretação de dados de qualidade de água e recursos hídricos recolhidos em rede de sensores |
ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-039494 | The project is the design and implementation of a demonstration system for the recognition of water quality standards and quantity of water resources. The system is subdivided into the following subsystems: a pattern recognition subsystem, using deep learning techniques used in artificial intelligence, which provides the users with high-level processed information, obtained from continuously collected data and saved in a secure way coded as blockchain; a data aggregation subsystem using microcomputers commonly used in IoT (Internet of Things) for data collection and transmission; and a subsystem for the remote collection of signals from sensors, used for the acquisition of information on physical-chemical parameters of water quality and quantity. The pattern recognition system uses research results in the area of water quality and management and forecasting of water resources to generate information that assists in the evaluation and the sustainable and efficient use of water resources. The project results in a system that shows the application of IoT, artificial intelligence (deep learning) and blockchain (data security) in the area of water quality management and water resources. | EU – Portugal 2020 / Alentejo 2020 – FEDER | 2019-2021 | Patrícia Palma | |
GesPSA Kiwi – Integrated operational tool to the sustainable management of Pseudomonas syringae pv. Actinidiae |
NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-033647 | This project aims combining a multidimensional Integrated Operational Tool to improve the management of kiwi Orchards and increase their productivity, even in the presence of the bacteria. The ICT members integrated in the project are in charge of analyse the impact of Psa3 on male performance and on production of viable pollen. | EU – Portugal 2020 / Norte 2020 – FEDER | 2018-2021 | Ilda Abreu
Helena Ribeiro |
NanoSen-AQM: Development of gas nanosensors for air quality monitoring
SOE2/P1/E0569 | The main challenge of the project is the monitoring of ambient air pollution and the real-time air quality information to the public in a sustainable way. The goal is to develop an electronic system based in low cost and low consumption sensors and validate the system in different locations of the Sudoe territory, based on certified instruments for measuring air pollutants.
EU-INTERREG-SUDOE | 2018 – 2021 | Team members:
Daniele Bortoli Maria João Costa |
Engage SKA – ENAbling Green E-science for SKA | ROTEIRO/0041/2013 | The project sets up a capacitation and sustainability plan for Green e-Science Infrastructure fostering Portugal participation in the ESFRI SKA project along the Big Data and Green Power axis, that will act as a driver for smart and sustainable growth along some of the less developed regions of Portugal taking radioastronomy as an Innovation Open Living Lab. SKA is a global, unparalleled project not only because of its ambitious scientific goals, its overwhelming infrastructure (spreading throught 3 continents, capable of outputting more data than the entire World Internet traffic) but because it will be built through phases, each giving the opportunity for transformational science with cutting-edge technology. In 2016, the European Commission classified SKA as na ESFRI Landmark project. Portugal has secured key contributions in the SKA consortia, having a strong opportunity to effectively participate in the construction and scientific exploration phases. | FCT | 2017-2020 | Patrícia Palma | |
HYDROREUSE: Tratamento e reutilização de águas residuais agroindustriais utilizando um sistema hidropónico inovador com plantas de tomate | ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000021 | The main objective of the HYDROREUSE project is to develop new alternatives for the management of the main agro-industrial wastewater produced in the Alentejo region. For this purpose, an innovative treatment reuse line will be proposed that comprises low-cost and environmentally friendly technologies, namely new pretreatment, innovative dual-function hydroponic system and oxidation. This approach will allow the recycling of water, organic matter and nutrients from pre-treated agro-industrial wastewater using a hydroponic system for the growth of tomato plants, which reduces the costs associated with commercial fertilization and allows the treatment of waste water. | EU – Portugal 2020 / Alentejo 2020 – FEDER | 2016-2020 | Patrícia Palma | |
ALOP (Alentejo Observation and Prediction systems): Observation, prediction and alert systems in atmosphere and in water reservoirs of Alentejo | ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000004 | The ALOP Project aims to develop a multi-functional activity in the domain of the interaction of atmosphere, water and ecosystems, in the atmosphere and water reservoirs of Alentejo, which contemplates the observation, prediction and alert of risk situations. It is intended to develop tools of observation, forecasting and alert in the fields of meteorology and water (quantity and quality), in an integrated way, at the regional scale.
EU – Portugal 2020 / Alentejo 2020 – FEDER | 2016 – 2019 | PI: Rui Salgado | |
DNI-Alentejo: Medição e avaliação da radiação solar directa no Alentejo: a sua interação com efeitos locais e respectivas implicações no mapeamento regional deste recurso energético | ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000011 |
The objective of the project is to continue and expand the operation of an existing network of meteorological stations, designed and implemented for the study of Direct, Global and Diffuse Solar Irradiance and its relation with the meteorological variables. The objective is the enhancement of knowledge and investment in the energy (solar and thermoelectric) and environmental sectors in Alentejo region. Data collection and its analysis is employed for the development of solar radiation forecasting models in the long, medium and short-terms with adequate statistical quality. These studies are essential to highlight Alentejo as a region of excellence for Solar Energy at national and international levels.
EU – Portugal 2020 / Alentejo 2020 – FEDER | 2016 – 2019 | PI: Paulo Canhoto | |
Intelligent Optimizer Solar Technology (IOST) |
Provision of services WARMWHOLE |
The ICT task aims at improving the prediction algorithm for global solar radiation with correction (based on weather effects) through downscaling techniques physical and statistical information, which is to be later integrated into a model of optimized management of low temperature solar thermal systems.
EU – Portugal 2020 | 2016 – 2018 | Local PI: Paulo Canhoto | |
LIFENoWaste – Management of biomass ash and organic waste in the recovery of degraded soils: a pilot project set in Portugal (LIFE14 ENV/PT/000369). 2016-2020. | LIFE14 ENV/PT/000369 | The project aims to evaluate, demonstrate and disseminate the sustainable use of ash (from forest biomass residues combustion) combined with organic waste materials (sludge from the pulp and paper industry or compost) to regenerate degraded soils from mining areas, in compliance with the EU ‘Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection’. The project also aims to reduce the impact of wastes from the pulp and paper industry on the environment, while making better use of valuable resources according to the ‘end-of-waste’ criteria, while also contributing to the mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
EU – LIFE | 2016 – 2019 | Team members:
Patrícia Palma |
NANOFERTIL – Effect of soil (in)organic constituents on the efficacy, fate and phytoavailability of fertilizer and plant protection manufactured nanomaterials | PTDC/AGR-PRO/6262/2014 | The goal of the project is to address essential gaps in knowledge about how soil properties, soil organic and inorganic constituents as well as properties and concentration of manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) affect the spatial and temporal behaviour of nanopesticides and nanofertilizers in soils. This project is also focused on the training of researchers in advanced analytical techniques that allow an efficient characterization of MNMs in various matrices.
FCT | 2016 – 2019 | Team members:
Patrícia Palma |
FitoFarmGest – Gestão sustentável de fitofármacos, em olival, vinha e culturas arvenses, na área de influência do EFMA | PDF2020-101-030926 | The aim of the project is to assess the dynamics of the main phytopharmaceutical groups (including those covered by the Directive 2013/39 / EU as priority substances in the field of water) with environmental and human impact on irrigated crops in the EFMA (Alqueva Multi-Purpose Enterprise) area of influence, thereby promoting their sustainable use and contributing to the improvement of production quality, protection and conservation of soil and water resources.
EU – Portugal 2020 – PDR 2020 | 2017 – 2021 | Team members:
Patrícia Palma |
Physical-chemical characterization of atmospheric particulate matter sorbed to allergenic airborne pollen | PTDC/ATPEAM/0817/2014 | The project aims to develop a groundbreaking work that would perform, for the first time, a longterm complete monitoring and description of particulate matter (physical properties, chemical composition, amount and source apportionment) of inhalable PM sorbed to airborne pollen grains; the driven conditions that influence the sorbing pattern; and the association between peak airborne pollen levels, sorbed PM characteristics and the number of daily emergency room hospital admissions. The study is conducted in 3 cities with different geographical position, meteorological influence and urbanization level corresponding to worldwide type of urbanized environments: Porto (Atlantic coastal city), Guarda (high altitude city), and Évora (influenced by North African deserts).
FCT | 2016 – 2018 | PI: Helena Ribeito (Univ. Porto) | |
Science and Management of Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams- SMIRES. | COST Action CA15113 | SMIRES is a COST Action addressing the Science and Management of Intermittent Rivers & Ephemeral Streams. SMIRES brings together > 200 hydrologists, biogeochemists, ecologists, modellers, environmental economists, social researchers and stakeholders from 31 different countries to develop a research network for synthesising the fragmented, recent knowledge on IRES, improving our understanding of IRES and translating this into a science-based, sustainable management of river networks.
EU – COST | 2016 – 2020 | Team members:
Manuela Morais |
A European network for a harmonised monitoring of snow for the benefit of climate change scenarios, hydrology and numerical weather prediction | COST Action ES1404 | This COST Action on SNOW aims at building a better connection between snow measurements and models, between snow observers, researchers and forecasters, for the benefit of various stakeholders and the entire society. Specifically, the aim is to enhance the capability of the research community and operational services to provide and exploit quality-assured and comparable regional and global observation-based data on the variability of the state and extent of snow.
EU – COST | 2014 – 2018 | Team members:
Rui Salgado |
ImpARAS – Improving Allergy Risk Assessment Strategy for new food proteins | COST Action FA1402 | The multi-disciplinary scientific network will improve strategies to predict the allergenicity of novel or modified proteins or proteins from novel sources with novel and innovative approaches that have not previously been identified. This will allow the transfer of scientific advances to European food companies to develop safe products, advise food safety authorities on better risk assessment strategies and change public opinion on the safety of novel sustainable food.
EU – COST | 2014 – 2018 |
Team members: Célia Antunes |
TOPROF – Towards operational ground based profiling with ceilometers, doppler lidars and microwave radiometers for improving weather forecasts | COST Action ES1303 | This Action focuses on developing three instruments available throughout Europe: i) ceilometers providing backscatter profiles of aerosol and cloud properties with 30m vertical resolution every minute, ii) Doppler lidars providing vertical and horizontal winds in the lower atmosphere with a resolution of 30m every 5 minutes, and iii) microwave profilers giving profiles of temperature and humidity in the lowest few km every 10 minutes. These instruments are relatively inexpensive and have proven suitable for unmanned network operations. In collaboration with Numerical Weather Prediction centres, the action will lead towards operational networking of these existing but so far under-exploited, instruments.
EU – COST | 2013 – 2017 | Team members:
Daniele Bortoli Maria João Costa |
ALEX – Alqueva hydro-meteorological Experiment | EXPL/GEO-MET/1422/2013 | The project includes a hydro-meteorological observation campaign organized by the University of Évora (CGE-UE) and the Alqueva Infrastructure and Development Company (EDIA). The observations made will give rise to an inter-disciplinary database that is expected to be very useful for the various teams working in Alqueva, and also for the national scientific community.
FCT | 2014 – 2015 | PI: Rui Salgado | |
Combination of active and passive remote sensing for vertical profiling of aerosol microphysical properties | PTDC/GEO-MET/4222/2012 | The project aims to explore the combination of state-of-the-art active and passive remote sensing techniques and computation schemes for the vertical profiling retrieval of aerosol microphysical properties; this is crucial step towards a better understanding of the role of atmospheric aerosols on climate.
FCT | 2013 – 2015 | PI: Sérgio Pereira | |
Mapeamento da radiação solar direta normal no Alentejo / Definição dos locais de excelência para a instalação de centrais solares de alta concentração | ALENT-07-0827-FEDER-002316 | The main objective of the project is the mapping of the direct solar radiation throughout the Alentejo. This mapping is fundamental for the development of new solar concentrating technologies, with applications as the production of electricity, or the heat of process for the industry.
EU – INALENTEJO – QREN | 2014 – 2015 | PI: Maria João Costa | |
SAFE-PORT: Harbour Protection Decision Support System. | Provision of services | The project project addresses the complex issue of determining the best configurations of resources for harbour and port surveillance and protection. More specifically, the main goal is to find, for any given scenario, an adequate set of configuration solutions — i.e., number and type of sensors and equipments, their locations and operating modes, the corresponding personnel and other support resources that maximize protection over a specific area.
EDISOFT | 2014 – 2015 | PI: Rui Salgado |