Daniele Bortoli
Institute of Earth Sciences – University of Évora Pole
Email: db@uevora.pt
Ph.D. in Physics, University of Évora, Portugal, 2005.
Assistant Professor, Institute of Earth Sciences, School of Sciences and Technology, University of Évora, since 2012.
Non-stipendiary invited research fellow of the Italian Research Council at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Bologna, Italy.
Assistant Investigator (Science 2007), School of Sciences and Technology, University of Évora, 2008-2013.
Member of the Coordinating Committee of the Portuguese Polar program – PROPOLAR.
Portuguese Delegate for Atmospheric Physics in the Arctic (member of the AWG/IASC – Atmospheric Working Group/International Arctic Science Committee) and Antarctica (member of SCAR – Science Committee for Antarctic Research).
National contact person for the European project ACTRIS-PPP (Aerosol Clouds Trace Gases Research Infrastructure Preparatory Phase Project); ACTRIS is in the ESFRI roadmap since 2016.
Scientific Interests:
Atmospheric sciences; Air pollution control; Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS); Ozone hole; Optoelectronic remote sensing instrumentation.
Curriculum Vitae (online):