- Julio Chaves, M. Collares-Pereira, “Etendue-matched two stage concentrators with multiple-receivers”, Solar Energy, 2010.
- Horta, J.C.C. Henriques, M. Collares Pereira “Impact of different internal convection control strategies in a non-evacuated CPC collector performance”, Solar Energy, Vol 86, pp 1232-1244, 2012.
- Diogo Canavarro, Julio Chaves, M. Collares Pereira: “XX SMS Optics for parabolic Concentrators; a comparison with parabolic troughs collector”- Solar Energy, 92, pp 98–105, 2013.
- Fartaria, M. Collares-Pereira, “Simulation and computation of shading losses for direct normal solar radiation in a photovoltaic field with multiple 2-axis trackers”, Solar Energy, Vol. 91, pp 93-101, 2013
- Diogo Canavarro, Julio Chaves, M. Collares-Pereira, “Infinitesimal Etendue and Simultaneous Multiple Surface (SMS) concentrators for fixed receiver troughs”, Solar Energy, Vol. 97, Nov. 2013, pp 493-504.
- Collares Pereira, Almudena Gonzales, Francisco Quadros, Tomás Fartaria, ”Energy self-sufficiency through hybridization of biogas and photovoltaic solar energy. An application for an Iberian pig slaughterhouse.”, Journal of Cleaner Production, June, 2013.
- Canavarro, D. , Chaves, J., Collares-Pereira, M. “New Optical Designs for large Parabolic Troughs” SolarPaces, Elsevier Energy Procedia, 2013.
- Canavarro, D., Chaves, J., Collares-Pereira, M. “New Optical Designs for large Parabolic Troughs” Elsevier Energy Procedia, Volume 49, 2014, Pages 1279-1287
- Marchã, J., Osorio, T., Collares-Pereira, M. Horta, P. “Development and test results of a calorimetric technique for solar thermal testing loops, enabling mass flow and Cp measurements independent from fluid properties of the HTF used “ Elsevier Energy Procedia, 2013/2014
- Horta P., Zaragoza P., Alarcon-Padilla D. “Assessment of the use of Solar Thermal Collectors for Desalination” Desalination and Water Treatment, DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2014.947784 (2014)
- Guerreiro, L., Collares Pereira, M. “Efficiency improvement and potential LCOE reduction with an LFR-XX SMS plant with storage” accepted in Elsevier Energy Procedia (2014/2015).
- Guerreiro L. Collares Pereira, M – “Energy output and thermal losses in a PTC molten salts test loop” – SolarPaces 2014 Beijing, September.
- Guerreiro, L., Collares Pereira, M. “Efficiency improvement and potential LCOE reduction with an LFR-XX SMS plant with storage” SolarPaces 2014 Beijing, September 2014, also publication by Elsevier.
- Horta P., Zaragoza P., Alarcon-Padilla D. – “Assessment of the use of Solar Thermal Collectors for Desalination”. Proceedings of the European Desalination Society Conference on Desalination for the Environment, Clean Water and Energy, Limassol, Cyprus. May 2014
- Oliveira A., Palmero A., Soares J., Horta P., Saraiva C., Brower J.” Presentation and Preliminary Simulation of a Biomass/Solar Micro-Cogeneration ORC System”. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Geneva, Switzerland. August 2014;
- Horta P., Prieto J., Saraiva C., Brower J., Frej H., Lalami S. “Small scale solar-driven CHP System pre-dimensioning sensitiveness to solar field and ORC power block component efficiencies”. Proceedings of EuroSun 2014 International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, Aix-les-Bains, France. September 2014.
- Cavaco, P. Canhoto, M. J. Costa, M. Collares-Pereira, DNI Measurements in the South of Portugal: Long Term Results through Direct Comparison with Global and Diffuse Radiation Measurements and Existing Time Series, Submitted to SolarPACES 2015 proceedings (American Institute of Physics)
- T. Osório, P. Horta, M. Larcher, R. Pujol-Nadal, J. Hertel, D.W. van Rooyen, A. Heimsath, S. Schneider, D. Benitez, A. Frein, A. Denarie, Ray-Tracing Software Comparison for Linear Focusing Solar Collectors, SolarPACES 2015
- P. Horta, T. Osório, M. Collares-Pereira, Energy Cost Based Design Optimization Method for Medium Temperature CPC Collectors, SolarPACES 2015
- P. Horta, T. Osório, J. Marchã, M. Collares-Pereira, ESCTP: Évora Solar Concentrators Testing Platform, SolarPACES 2015
- Hofer, L. Valenzuela, N. Janotte, J.I. Burgaleta, J. Arraiza, M. Montecchi, F. Sallaberry, T. Osório, M.J. Carvalho, F. Alberti, K. Kramer, A. Heimsath, W. Platzer, S. Scholl, State of the Art of Performance Evaluation Methods for Concentrating Solar Collectors, SolarPACES 2015
- Iparaguirre, A. Huidobro, A. Fernández-García, L. Valenzuela, P. Horta, F. Sallaberry, T. Osório, A. Sanz, Solar thermal collectors for medium temperature applications: a comprehensive review and updated database, SHC2015
- L. Fialho, R. Melício, V.M.F. Mendes, M. Collares-Pereira, “Simulation of a-Si PV system linked to the grid by DC boost and three-level inverter under cloud scope”, in: Technological Innovation for Cloud-based Engineering Systems, Eds. L.M. Camarinha-Matos et al., DoCEIS 2015, SPRINGER, Heidelberg, Germany, April 2015.
- L. Fialho, R. Melício, V.M.F. Mendes, A. Estanqueiro, “Simulation of a-Si PV System Grid Connected by Boost and Inverter”, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, Vol.5, No.2, Maio 2015.
- L. Fialho, R. Melício, V.M.F. Mendes, A. Estanqueiro, M. Collares-Pereira, PV systems linked to the grid: Parameter identification with a heuristic procedure, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol 10, June 2015, Pages 29–39.
- L. Fialho, R. Melicio, V. M.F. Mendes, Poly-Si PV system grid connected and fuzzy controlled, EUROCON 2015 – International Conference on Computer as a Tool (EUROCON), IEEE, Pages 1-6, September 2015, Salamanca.
- Canavarro, D., Chaves, J., Collares-Pereira, M., A novel Compound Elliptical-type concentrator for parabolic primaries with tubular receiver, Submitted to Solar Energy (Elsevier)
- Luis Guerreiro, et. al “Efficiency improvement and potential LCOE reduction with an LFR-XX SMS plant with storage”, Energy Procedia 2015 – Vol. 68
- Luis Guerreiro et al. “Calcium aluminate based cement for concrete to be used as thermal energy storage in solar thermal electricity plants”, Cement and Concrete Research, accepted on July 2015
- Luís Guerreiro et al. “Energy Storage for Solar Thermal Electricity using Molten salts and Calcium aluminate based cement concretes”, submitted on December 2015
- Canavarro, D., Chaves, J., Collares-Pereira, M., A novel Compound Elliptical-type Concentrator for parabolic primaries with tubular receiver, Solar Energy 134 (2016) 383-391, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2016.05.027
- Canavarro, D., Chaves, J., Collares-Pereira, M., New Dual Asymmetric CEC Linear Fresnel Concentrator for Evacuated Tubular Receivers, SolarPACES 2016, publication in Energy Procedia, Elsevier
- Fialho, L.; Fartaria, T.; Narvarte, L.; Collares Pereira, M. Implementation and Validation of a Self-Consumption Maximization Energy Management Strategy in a Vanadium Redox Flow BIPV Demonstrator. Energies 2016, 9, 496.
- H.G. Silva, R. Conceição, M.A.H. Khan, J.C. Matthews, M.D. Wright, M. Collares-Pereira, D.E. Shallcross. Atmospheric electricity as a proxy for air quality: Relationship between potential gradient and pollutant gases in an urban environment. Journal of Electrostatics 84 (2016) 32-41.
- F. Borges, H.G. Silva, R.J.G. Torres, B. Caldeira, M. Bezzeghoud, J.A. Furtado, and J. Carvalho. Inversion of ambient seismic noise HVSR to evaluate velocity and structural models of the Lower Tagus Basin, Portugal, J, Journal of Seismology (2016); DOI: 10.1007/s10950-016-9564-x
- F. Lopes, H.G. Silva, R. Salgado, M. Potes, K.A. Nicoll, R.G. Harrison, Tellus A. Atmospheric Electrical Field measurements near a Fresh Water Reservoir and the formation of the Lake Breeze, 68, 31592 (2016); DOI: 10.3402/tellusa.v68.31592
- H.G. Silva and I. Lopes. Phase-Space representation of Neutron Monitor Count Rate and Atmospheric Electric Field in relation to Solar Activity in Cycles 21 and 22, Earth, Planets and Space 68, 119 (2016); DOI: 10.1186/s40623-016-0504-3
- H.G. Silva, R. Conceição, M.A.H. Khan, J.C. Matthews, M.D. Wright, M. Collares-Pereira. Atmospheric Electricity as a proxy for Air Quality: relationship between Potential Gradient and Pollutant Gases in an Urban Environment, D.E. Shallcross, Journal of Electrostatics 84, 32-41 (2016); DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2016.08.006
- H.G. Silva, F. Lopes, S. Pereira, K. Nicoll, S.M. Barbosa, R. Conceição, S. Neves, R.G. Harrison, M. Collares Pereira. Saharan dust electrification perceived by a triangle of atmospheric electricity stations in Southern Portugal, Journal of Electrostatics 84, 106-120 (2016); DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2016.10.002
- H.G. Silva and I. Lopes. Rieger-type Periodicities on the Sun and the Earth during Solar Cycles 21 and 22, Astrophysics and Space Science 362, 44 (2017); DOI:10.1007/s10509-017-3020-4
- Guerreiro, Luis et al. Design and Simulation of a new Concrete Storage Unit Conference Proceedings ISES EuroSun 2016 Mallorca, Spain.
- Guerreiro, Luis et al. Experimental validation of a novel methodology for fast an accurate analysis of solar energy yields based on cluster analysis Conference Proceedings ISES EuroSun 2016, Mallorca, Spain.
- Sanchez, Beatriz; Guerreiro, Luis et al. Molten Salt Based Nanofluids Based on Solar Salt and Alumina Nanoparticles: an Industrial Approach Conference Proceedings SolarPACES 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- Guerreiro, Luis et al. New Concrete Mix For Thermal Storage Tested In Laboratory Conference Proceedings SolarPACES 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- Afonso Cavaco, Hugo Silva, Paulo Canhoto, Samuel Neves, Jorge Neto, Manuel Collares Pereira Radiação solar global em Portugal e a sua variabilidade mensal e anual. Renováveis Magazine vol. 28 (fevereiro), pp. 36-40 (2017).
- Guerreiro, Luis et al. Design and Simulation of a new Concrete Storage Unit Conference Proceedings ISES EuroSun 2016 Mallorca, Spain
- Guerreiro, Luis et al. Experimental validation of a novel methodology for fast an accurate analysis of solar energy yields based on cluster analysis Conference Proceedings ISES EuroSun 2016, Mallorca, Spain
- Sanchez, Beatriz; Guerreiro, Luis et al. Molten Salt Based Nanofluids Based on Solar Salt and Alumina Nanoparticles: an Industrial Approach – Conference Proceedings SolarPACES 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- Guerreiro, Luis et al. New Concrete Mix For Thermal Storage Tested In Laboratory Conference Proceedings SolarPACES 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- Guerreiro, Luis et al. High Temperature Energy Storage in a Rock-bed test facility Conference Proceedings SASEC 2016, Cape Town, South Africa
- J. Matthews, M. Wright, A. Bacak, H.G. Silva, M. Priestley, D. Martin, C. Percival and D. Shallcross. Perfluorocarbon Tracer Experiments on a 2 km Scale in Manchester Showing Ingress of Pollutants into a Building, EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU 2016), 17 – 22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria.
- R. Conceição, H.G. Silva, J. Matthews, A. Bennett, and John Chubb. Atmospheric Electric Field Measurements at 100 Hz and High Frequency Electric Phenomena, EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU 2016), 17 – 22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria.
- F. Lopes, H.G. Silva, K. Nitschke, and E. Azevedo. Atmospheric Electric Field measurements at Eastern North Atlantic ARM Climate Research Facility: Global Electric Circuit Evolution, EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU 2016), 17 – 22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria.
- M. Wright, J. Matthews, A. Bacak, H.G. Silva, M. Priestley, C. Percival, and D. Shallcross. Relationship Between Aerosol Number Size Distribution and Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient in an Urban Area, EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU 2016), 17 – 22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria.
- H.G. Silva and I. Lopes. Rieger-type Periodicities on the Sun and the Earth during Solar Cycles 21 and 22, EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU 2016), 17 – 22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria.
- A. Cavaco, P. Canhoto, H.G. Silva and M. Collares-Pereira. Ground-satellite measurement of Direct Normal Irradiance in South Portugal and its interaction with local atmospheric effects, EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU 2016), 17 – 22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria.
- Cavaco, A., Silva, H. G., Canhoto, P., Neves, S. P., Neto, J., Collares Pereira, M., ‘Annual Average Value of Solar Radiation and its Variability in Portugal’, WES 2016 – Workshop on Earth Sciences, Institute of Earth Sciences, Évora, Portugal, Dec. 8 – 10, 2016.
- F.M. Lopes, H.G. Silva, and R. Salgado. Determination of Fair-Weather Days from Solar Radiation Data: Application to Atmospheric Electricity, Workshop On Earth Sciences 2016 (WES2016), Évora, Portugal.
- Cardoso, J. P., Mutuberria, A., Marakkos, C., Schoettl, P., Osório, T., & Les, I. (2017). New Functionalities for the Tonatiuh Ray-tracing Software. In SolarPACES Concentrating Solar power and Chemical Energy Technologies.
- Angel G. Fernández, Mauro Henriquez, Cristobal Parrado, L. Guerreiro, M. Collares Pereira, Opportunities of Lithium Nitrate as TES Material in CSP Plants: Thermal Characterization and LCOE Projection, SolarPaces, Chile 2017
- Ricardo Conceição, Hugo Gonçalves Silva, Alec Bennett, Rui Salgado, Daniele Bortoli, Maria João Costa, Manuel Collares Pereira, High-Frequency Response of the Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient Under Strong and Dry Boundary-Layer Convection, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2017 (accepted, only published online yet).
- Fernando Carapau, Paulo Correia, Luís M. Grilo and Ricardo Conceicão, Axisymmetric Motion of a Proposed Generalized Non-Newtonian Fluid Model with Shear-dependent Viscoelastic Effects, IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 361-370, 2017
- Ricardo Conceição, Hugo Gonçalves Silva, José Mirão, Michael Gostein, Luis Fialho, Luis Narvarte, Manuel Collares Pereira, Saharan Dust Transport to Europe and its Impact on Photovoltaic Performance: A Case Study of Soiling in Portugal, Solar Energy, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2017.11.059
- Francis M. Lopes, Hugo G. Silva, Rui Salgado, Afonso Cavaco, Paulo Canhoto, Manuel Collares-Pereira, Short-term forecasts of GHI and DNI for solar energy systems operation: assessment of the ECMWF integrated forecasting system in southern Portugal, Solar Energy, vol 170, 14, 2018.
- Ailton Tavares, Afonso Cavaco, Manuel Collares-Pereira, Nuno Oliveira Martins, Testing the SUNTASTE, a new box type solar cooker built out of cork, Consolfood 2018 Proceedings, 2018.
- Cavaco, H. G. Silva, P. Canhoto, T. Osório, M.Collares-Pereira, Progresses in DNI Measurements in Southern Portugal, SolarPACES 2017 Proceedings (American Institute of Physics).
- Collares-Pereira, M., Cavaco, A., Tavares, A., ‘Figures of merit and their relevance in the context of a standard testing and performance comparison methods for solar box – cookers’, Solar Energy, Vol 166, 21-27, 2018
- Ricardo Conceição, Hugo G. Silva, Luis Fialho, Francis M. Lopes, Manuel Collares-Pereira, PV system design with the effect of soiling on the optimum tilt angle”, Renewable Energy, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2018.10.080
- Francis M. Lopes, Ricardo Conceição, Hugo G. Silva, Rui Salgado, Paulo Canhoto, Manuel Collares-Pereira, Predictive value of short-term forecasts of DNI for solar energy systems operation, Solar PACES 2018
- Ricardo Conceição, Ahmed Alami Merrouni, Daniel Lopes, Azouzoute Alae, Hugo Silva, El Ghali Bennouna, Manuel Collares-Pereira, Abdellatif Ghennioui, A comparative study of Soiling Effect on Solar Mirrors in Portugal and Morocco during the dry period of the year, Solar PACES 2018
- Diogo Canavarro, Julio Chaves, Manuel Collares-Pereira, Simultaneous Multiple Surface method for the design of new parabolic dish-type concentrator using a Cassegranian approach, Solar PACES 2018
- Tiago Osório, Ricardo Pereira, António Coelho, João Marchã and Manuel Collares-Pereira, A novel quasi-stationary CPC-type solar collector for intermediate temperature range applications for process heat, Solar PACES 2018
- Abreu, Edgar F.M. , P. Canhoto, M. J. Costa, 2020: Development of a clear-sky model to determine circumsolar irradiance using widely available solar radiation data, Solar Energy, Volume 205, Pages 88-101, ISSN 0038-092X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sole
ner.2020.05.010. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/ science/article/pii/S0038092X2 0304916) - Lopes FM, Conceição R, Silva HG, Salgado R, Collares-Pereira M, Improved ECMWF forecasts of direct normal irradiance: A tool for better operational strategies in concentrating solar power plants, Renewable Energy (2020), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2020.08.140
- Pereira, S., Abreu, E.F., Iakunin, M., Cavaco, A., Salgado, R. and Canhoto, P., 2022: Method for solar resource assessment using numerical weather prediction and artificial neural network models based on typical meteorological data: Application to the south of Portugal. Solar Energy, 236, 225-238, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
Book Chapters
- Collares-Pereira, D. Canavarro, J. Chaves, Improved design for linear Fresnel reflector systems, Advances in Concentrating Solar Thermal Research and Technology, ISBN: 978-0-08-100516-3, Pages 45–55, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-100516-3.00003-4
- Collares-Pereira, D. Canavarro, L.L. Guerreiro, Linear Fresnel reflector (LFR) plants using superheated steam, molten salts, and other heat transfer fluids, Advances in Concentrating Solar Thermal Research and Technology, ISBN: 978-0-08-100516-3, Pages 339–352, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-100516-3.00015-0