Amal Bouich


Universitat Politécnica de València 2020


PhD thesis in the field of semiconductor physics and their photovoltaic applications exactly the Investigation and Characterization of
Hybrid Perovskites (MaPbI3, FaPbI3, CsPbI3) and Copper-Indium-Gallium selenide thin films for Tandem Solar Cells.

She has made several stays in foreign universities for several months. The most notorious corresponds to her internship stay during one academic year 2017/18 at the Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon (Portugal).

In 2019 she stayed for six months at Universidade Évora (Portugal) and six months at the Ibn Tofaïl University (kenitra, Marroco) in 2017 and 2018. In both cases the research subjects were related to the development of solar cells materials and specialized in the preparation and characterization of semiconductor thin films for optoelectronic and photovoltaic applications.
The research of doctor Bouich activity has been developed in the field of the physics of semiconductors, where she has published more than 16 papers in international journals. In 2018, she integrated a research group named Group of Opto-electronics and Semiconductors (GOPS) and began research in the
semiconductor laboratory at the UPV. Since then, Bouich has help the research group GOPS who is specialized in the preparation and characterization of
semiconductor thin films for optoelectronic and photovoltaic application.

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