Stochastic space-time models for environmental contamination assessment

Seminar III – Geological Processes (Doctoral degree on Earth and Space Sciences)

Day – January, 21

Hour – 2:30 PM


Link –


Title – Stochastic space-time models for environmental contamination assessment


Abstract – The primary objective of a stochastic approach is the development of space-time models for a selected set of attributes to define the distribution of natural resource content. In addition, characterization of natural processes often relies on scattered information on the processes to be characterized. The geostatistical methodologies aim to characterize the spatial dispersion of the properties under study and to evaluate the space-time associated uncertainty. Various case studies will be introduced and dully discussed.

Lecturer – Maria Teresa Albuquerque

Maria Teresa Durães Albuquerque is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Escola Superior de Tecnologia of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco and a senior researcher at the Institute of Earth Sciences (IES), of the University of Évora, Portugal. Her research focuses on the fields of data analysis and stochastic (geostatistics) modelling applied to the environment and georesources. She authored or co-authored over 100 scientific publications in international journals, in book chapters of international editions, and at international and national conferences.

Current position – Assistant Professor with Habilitation Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco|CERNAS|QRural, Portugal Institute of Earth Sciences (ICT), University of Évora, Portugal.

Scientific Interests – Natural Resources; Hazards and monitoring; Data analysis and Geostatistics; Environmental Awareness; Modeling; GIS; Sustainability.